Thursday, October 20, 2016

Today's News

WWE developmental talent arrested, suspended:

Terrance Jean-Jacques was arrested at the weekend, for kidnapping, assaulting, intimidating, and destroying the property of his pregnant girlfriend. He appeared in court today and will be back in front of a judge on Tuesday. WWE, upon hearing of the incident, banned him indefinitely.

TNA investor offers to pay off Corgan:

The Fight Network have offered to pay off TNA's debts to principal bidder for ownership of the promotion, Billy Corgan. They also offered to help with funding for other matters, in the hopes of staving off the bankruptcy TNA are considering applying for. They called TNA a strong asset, that they wanted to hang on too.


Paige has had her neck surgery, and now has three screws in her neck. She thanked the surgeon, the same one that operated on Tyson Kidd, and her visitors Alberto Del Rio and Natalya, who took a day off to be there when she woke up.

Foley returns:

Mick Foley has returned to Twitter, saying it was not fair to his 1.6 million followers to go into hibernation because of the bad behaviour of one.

Outcast coming back?:

Adam Rose is teasing big news on social media, and used the hashtag ''WWE.''

Sasha bulking up:

Sasha Banks is training to put on more muscle. WWE hope it will make her less injury prone. They also want her to slow down.

Flair worries for rival:

Ric Flair says he does not think Goldberg has made the right decision to return to WWE...

"Whoever is going to work with Brock Lesnar, whether he has gotten smarter, he's not going to change his style and he's going to get suplexed, not just once, not twice, but at least 10 times and I don't know if Bill's ready for that, you're off for a couple of months, much less 10 years, you're going to get in the ring and you're going to wrestle Brock Lesnar the first time around? Ha! Good luck with that! That's just the way it is. His body is not used to it and Brock is a whole different can than spearing Ric Flair, okay? Correct? I mean, I just don't think Bill is going to be physically up for that, myself. I mean, it might look good on paper, but, God, because Brock is 10 times more aggressive now than he was the last time he wrestled Bill."

NXT injury news:

Kenta will be out for two months, not the six WWE feared, after it was determined that he does not need surgery for a neck injury. Meanwhile Tough Enough winner Josh has been benched for months with a severe concussion and is showing no signs of a return as yet.

WWE high on indie star:

WWE were very impressed with Roderick Strong's NXT debut last night.

Jobber to be rewarded:

WWE have reportedly offered James Ellsworth, the jobber that has been appearing on TV in the past couple of weeks, a spot in the Royal Rumble next year. This is because he is the top selling star on WWE Shop this week.

Styles addresses Royal Rumble leak:

A rumour that WWE are bringing Shawn Michaels back for the Royal Rumble, from his home town of San Antonio has drawn a response from the man he is reportedly scheduled to face... AJ Styles...

"I would love the opportunity to wrestle him. I'd love to learn from him, but who's to say if that's going to happen. Right now, it's all speculation and rumors that I'm finding out like everyone else is, but man, what a match that would be."

Styles also confirmed Ryback was scheduled to squash him at Mania this year, but plans changed after the fans response to him.

TNA's last taping:

TNA are taping an Impact from Matt Hardy's compound soon, they may also tape a year in review / Christmas with the Hardyz episode as a Christmas special, at the same time.

Show talks last match:

"This is going to be a big media spectacle, once we start kicking off the angle, who knows what we're going to do and who knows how we're going to tie it together, how we're going to make it work? I don't see anything bigger than that happening for me in this stage of my career. I'm happy for the spotlight that I'm going to share with Shaq at WrestleMania and that's that. If that's the last opportunity, thank you very much, it's been a fantastic time. If Vince comes up with something else, I'll be there with a smile on my face and make that happen too."

Hogan files again:

Hulk Hogan has filed a personal lawsuit against the man that gave his sex tape to Gawker.

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