Sunday, October 16, 2016

Today's News

Jericho pops for WWE newcomers:

On AJ Styles...

"He came in to the company in January. Just a short ten months ago but look at all of the stuff he has accomplished. I kind of was his first feud. His first WrestleMania. I kind of helped him along to figure out the little nuances of the WWE that he needed to figure. It's going to be great to sit and talk to him regarding all of these great things that have happened since he showed up in the company when he wasn't exactly the 'golden child' like he is right now. There was a bit of a feeling out process between him and the WWE. I kind of was behind the scenes for that. It's going to be fun to hear his thoughts and process and stories about how all of that has happened since he came in to the company. It's a real cool thing for anyone who is in to the WWE and in to great conversation for sure."

On James Ellsworth...

"That's one thing I love about WWE. James Ellsworth is actually a Talk Is Jericho alumni. I had him on the show a few weeks ago. Right off the bat when he showed up he was this kind of peculiar looking guy. Very small. Looks like he has a Gumby body. No chin. He's got no chin whatsoever. He had this first match a few months ago on RAW and just blew everyone away with the way he carried himself and his presence. I just love the fact that this guy who probably looked upon his whole career with people going, "You're a wrestler? YOU?! Oh, come on!" Well, here he is a few months later or years later pinning the WWE World Champion. It's just a good story. It's a fun story and it goes to show, I'm a big proponent of it, you've got to follow your dreams. Don't let anybody tell you that you can't do something. The only ones who will tell you that you can't do something are the ones that have failed. James Ellsworth next week with a WWE World Title shot on Smackdown… win, lose or draw is just a cool testament to what you can do if you focus on your dreams, your calls and do everything you can to make it happen. Thumbs up to James and thumbs up to WWE for giving him a shot."

Paige surgery:

Paige is scheduled for neck surgery next week. Alberto Del Rio tweeted a dig at WWE in reference to her injury today (Photo).

Network shake-up:

WWE have listed a number of improvements they plan to make to their Network service. Subscribers could be rewarded with...

  • Receiving a "crate" of WWE merchandise for subscribing for a year's worth of theWWE Network at once.
  • Receiving a free month of the WWE Network by referring it to friends and family who sign up for three months.
  • Receiving discounts on the Network price if you pay for a year in advance.
  • Having the ability to stream the Network on four devices at once.
  • Free shipping of WWEShop orders.
  • Having a "family" plan to stream it in different locations.
  • The ability to download material onto devices to watch while offline.
  • The ability to play WWE-themed games on the Network app.
  • Closed captioning of live events in other languages.
  • Be part of a test group to give feedback on new games, merchandise and Network programming.
  • Be entered into raffles automatically for trips to major WWE events and similar contests.
  • Subscriber exclusive meet and greets with WWE talents.
  • Exclusive chats with WWE talents where you would be able to ask talents questions.
  • Creating and sharing video playlists with friends and family.
  • Exclusive Network content including previews and behind the scenes content.
  • Exclusive second screen content during WWE programming exclusively for subscribers.
  • Getting 3 months of Starz with a 3 month subscription to the WWE Network.
  • Voting on the WWE Hall of Fame inductees.
  • Specified video suggestions based on talent searches.
  • Greater ability to bookmark and play specific matches in events, as opposed to just playing an event from the start.

Brooklyn Brawler stays loyal:

Despite being fired this summer, after 30 years with WWE, Brooklyn Brawler has refused to join the concussion lawsuit against WWE. He actually says he will be happy to appear as a member of WWE's defense against the suits.

WWE return:

Emma returned to the ring last night after a back injury.

McMahon's helping HOF'er:

Linda McMahon has donated $6,000,000 to the Donald Trump election campaign in the past six weeks. That is a third of all donations coming from this single source, during that time period.

Jericho signs deal:

Chris Jericho and his band Fozzy have landed a new record deal.

Styles hopes for TNA survival:

"I think that I would love for them to be them and us to be us. Competition's a good thing and to see some of my friends maybe losing their jobs, that's never good. So I would love to see them continue to exist and do so."

Dudleyz returning to WWE?:

This may be Bubba having fun, but he replied to a fan asking him to bring tables back to Raw, that he would think about doing so, but on Tuesday night SmackDown.

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