Friday, October 7, 2016

Today's News

Where Are They Now?:

Eve Torres is the third star WWE have re-visited for their new Network show...

New champion:

Eddie Edwards is now officially the TNA World champ.

Fan incident:

A mob of fans looted a store in Chile yesterday. They were attending a Seth Rollins meet & greet.

Benoit movie controversy:

An early script for the Chris Benoit movie has been thrown out after a senior member of the production walked away from the project because of how sensationalist it was. It was heavily based on the conspiracy theory that Kevin Sullivan committed the murders, and framed Chris Benoit, and had scenes of the WWE Alum breaking into their house, threatening the family, and more. It also had changed facts about his life, such as a scene where he and Johnny Grunge of Public Enemy find Eddie Guerrero's dead body, it was, in fact, Chavo Guererro that discovered his uncle. The new script, currently in progress, is going to stick much more firmly to the truth of the story.

Other news on the film... Michael Hall of Dexter has turned the role down, as he has played a killer already in his career, so current favourites for the title role are Kellen Lutz and Liam McIntyre.

Del Rio in UK:

Alberto Del Rio is in the UK this weekend, working in Newcastle for Paige's dads WWN.

Big Show talks good and bad of working with WWE stars:

Bad = Kane...

"Kane's gloves get pretty rank. He grabs you for a chokeslam and you just want to faint. It smells like rancid friggin' yak meat. It's the sweat, it builds up real quick. Kneepads, masks – they suggest you throw them in the freezer for a month [every so often], to kill all the bacteria."

Good = Heath Slater...

"Heath's funny to work with because he starts b---hing during the match when he doesn't like something. He'll b---h about rental car prices, travel… I wrestled him once and the entire match he just b---hed about the catering: "Come on man, we can't have chicken like that… this is a big company!" And he'll call for a press slam, then dead-ass you so you can't lift him up."

Holy crossovers:

WWE and TMNT have teamed up to release a line of wrestling turtles action figures.

Bret Hart slams WWE Hall Of Fame:

"I'm never going to take anything away from any of the inductees that they've had. But to me, the HOF this year I have a voice of protest as sort of a legendary figure of the industry. I am embarrassed that there's so many great wrestlers out there that have never been given their credit. Never got their due. Why have they been overlooked when you can induct the Freebirds who never did squat in WWE? Ever. Never drew any money, never did anything. When I remember the Freebirds, they were all drunk and passed out at the gate at one of the airports in my first day in WWF. None of them even made the show that day, they were too drunk to make their plane."

He went on to call for Rick Rude, Demolition, Fabulous Rougeaus, Hart Foundation as a group, and Owen Hart, on his own, to be inducted.

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