Thursday, October 27, 2016

Today's News


An NXT match had to be stopped last night due to an injury to Austin Aries. He has a suspected broken jaw and a deep cut to his eye.

KO talks being champion:

"It was the culmination of 21 years of hard work. I'm 32 now and was 11-years-old when I first watched WWE. When I started wrestling for WWE for a living, my goal was to become world champion, just as everybody's goal is in this industry basically. I've heard some people talk negatively about Triple H helping me win the title, but that actually made it more special to me, because without Triple H I wouldn't be here. He made the call to hire me and he has been a pretty big supporter of mine since I first got here. For him to literally hand me the title, for me that just added to the moment."

Top star given PPV off:

Randy Orton will not be working Survivor Series. His wife is expecting their child that week, and he has been granted the time off the road to be with her for the birth.

WWE for sale:

Vince McMahon has announced he is ''Open for business'' and is ready to listen to offers for WWE. He admitted he would be worried about losing control, but says he is a businessman first.

Corgan vs Carter:

Billy Corgan says he was very happy with the first day of his court case against Dixie Carter.

Bella injured:

Nikki Bella lost a tooth this week vs Nattie. She has had a new one implanted.

Mania tickets:

WrestleMania 33 tickets will go on general sale on November 18.

Former champs aim for Survivor Series:

The Headbangers have been given a chance to qualify for team SmackDown, they will have to win a match on the show next week to earn spots on the tag team team.

Will Ospreay vs Vader feud reignites:

Will Ospreay has revealed Vader demanded their match result be changed, or he wouldn't have done it, and he is not happy about it...

"This is a business, and I do what I'm told to do, but I am unhappy about the way it went about. The original plan was for me to be over, and it changed the night before because he didn't want to do it. I was a little bit disappointed in the fact that a man like Vader, at the age that he is, refused to put over a guy like me—maybe because I don't fit the mold of what wrestlers look like. I never complain about putting someone over, but this is one time—after the headache that I went through—that I should have gone over."

1 comment:

  1. Damn..I just can't imagine anyone outside the McMahons running WWE..
