Saturday, October 15, 2016

Today's News

TNA issues:

TNA's problems show no sign of abating. Scoring one of their ten worst viewing figures this week being the least of their new worries. They are being taken to court for not repaying the third party company that paid for some TV's and Bound For Glory last year, and have had a lien filed against them, for tax evasion. This has been added to Billy Corgan's lawsuit against the top officials, he is said to allege fraud, as the tax situation was not made clear to him before he started his bid to buy the promotion, and the liability would fall on him, should he be successful. Their musical partner has also pulled the rights to songs he has used for them and is also threatening legal action.

They owe north of $3,000,000 to multiple sources, including Billy Corgan.

Scott Hall reveals reaction to fake versions of WWF gimmicks:

Scott Hall says of his and Kevin Nash's gimmicks being copied by WWF, after they jumped ship...

"I just remember thinking, 'the most recognizable features about my character is my face, so I feel like I own that.' And then, shortly after all that, the lawsuit went on from day one, but then, when the fake Razor and the fake Diesel debuted, it was pretty much kind of like, 'okay, like, done deal, like, that's Razor and Diesel. We're 'The Outsiders'.Gene Okerlund called us 'The Outsiders', so we didn't have to have names."

Kevin Nash added...

"The day they're going to debut Razor and Diesel and at the back of the TV, the production trucks, there's a monitor and RAW was on it. So Scott's standing here. I'm standing here. Bischoff is here. Lambros is here. And the next segment is Diesel and Razor and they're looking at us, like, waiting for us to somehow appear on WWE TV simultaneously. Like, how is this going to happen? Like, is it's something that's filmed in advance because they still weren't live. This is one of the taped shows."

Miz TV:

The Miz has landed a spot on a reality show. He will be on 'Celebrity Haunted House' on Nickelodeon.

Baby change:

WWE had plans to bring Trish Stratus back later this year, but her baby news changed them and Mickie James was brought in to have an NXT match vs Asuka instead. Her deal was put together in a matter of days earlier this week. The current plan is a single match, and possibly some coaching at the PC.

Ryback wins gold:

Ryback won the WrestlePro tag titles last night, as he returns to wrestling, on the indie scene.

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