Thursday, October 6, 2016

Today's News

Bill DeMott talks Seth's safety:

"I would not even try to compare my knowledge to Bret Hart nor would I question his thinking, that being said I do not think it is anything more than coincidence that all this happened around Seth. Rollins is one of the best there is and I would put my career in his hands any day. Things happen people get hurt and someone has to get "blamed" unfortunately it doesn't always end in favor of both participants but I would bet anything ALL of this men would get back in the ring with Seth and he is a professional as they get. He is the future of the business."

TNA TV's in trouble:

Dixie Carter promised that tonight's planned taping would go ahead, despite the hurricane bearing down on Florida right now, as long as Universal Studios stayed open. Problem is they are not. They, along with the other major theme parks in the region have confirmed that they will shut their parks down until the storm passes.

Ziggler retiring?:

Dolph Ziggler is tweeting images of him saying goodbye to backstage friends, and tweeting booking info from October 10, the night after his retirement match against The Miz, and Ric Flair is also confirming he plans to move on after this weekend, and says he will not accept the backstage job WWE are offering.

I think everyone is protesting too much on this, the more they push the idea he may be retiring, the less I believe it will happen.

New stars:

After appearing in the Dusty Rhodes classic last night Akam and Rezar have been given their WWE profiles, as has new announcer Mike Rome, he replaces Greg Hamilton who has been moved to the full roster.

Injury return:

Luke Harper returned last night, following his knee injury.

WWE / Goldberg relationship still on shaky ground:

WWE are only bringing Goldberg in to face Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series to promote their video game, and will not change the long term plan to have Lesnar face Shane at WrestleMania 33, even if Goldberg does stick around for a Mania match. Also Goldberg did not confirm his return on ESPN last night, as was expected following JR breaking the news yesterday.

Del Rio inconstistencies:

Alberto Del Rio's story about his stabbing is full of holes, according to AAA. He claimed he could not contact them to cancel his booking because he lost his phone, but has claimed today that Paige was with him, and was also assaulted in the incident, he never referred to her being involved before, and AAA have asked, if she was with him, why could he not lend her phone to contact them. Also his claims that he was sitting in a police station filing his reports have been confirmed to be false, San Antonio police say they have no record of the incident. He also changed his story, he originally claimed he had been attacked by a homeless man, before bringing up a story about a car accident leading to the fight.

Cody leaves:

Cody Rhodes has left TNA, he thanked them for welcoming him, and praised their professionalism.


Sunny is still in jail, and will stay there until November 18, where she will next be put in front of a judge, for breaching her drugs testing proviso. This is because she waived her video appearance with a judge on Monday. She has been told to expect jail time of up to 90 days.


Patrick Clarke chipped a tooth at this weeks NXT taping.

Royal Rumble main event:

WWE have confirmed that the Royal Rumble match will main event their PPV next year, and will have 15 stars from each show, with the winner getting a shot at their brands title at WrestleMania. This may mean the end of guest legends in the match, unless one of the shows want to sacrifice some of their spots.

WWE champion name checked in Canadian parliament:

A senior politician gave Kevin Owens a shout out during a speech this week. The speech received a standing ovation.

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