Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Today's News

WWE announce special:

WWE have announced the date and venue for their annual Tribute To The Troops. Washington DC's Verizon Center will play host on December 13.

New baby:

Trish Stratus has announced her second pregnancy.

Sin Cara:

Sin Cara has been placed into the Raw cruiserweight division.

Hell In A Cell:

Sasha vs Charlotte will be held inside the cell, a first for the women's division, Seth's challenge of Kevin Owens will too be inside the confines of the structure, meaning three bouts will be held in behind mesh and steel. New Day will give Sheamus & Cesaro their shot at the Tag titles, and TJ Perkins will give Brian Kendrick another chance at his gold at the event too.

Suspended star facing career ending surgery:

Alberto Del Rio and the brothers of Paige have come out to criticise WWE's handling of their loved one. One of her brothers has revealed that Paige's neck is destroyed, and she is in constant pain, which is the reason for the painkillers she is taking. He also claimed that surgery to fix the problem would almost certainly end her career, at just 24 years old.

He's back!:

After Paul Heyman laid out a challenge on Raw last night WWE Alum, and WCW legend, Goldberg has announced he will return to WWE, after a 12 year break, on Raw next Monday.

Ryback admits roiding:

Ryback has admitted using steroids before he joined WWE.

Cena going home:

John Cena is going to be leaving the road this week, to go to host his TV show.

WWE release:

WWE's latest video game, 2K17, is now available.

TNA debut:

Maxwell Hardy, Matt and Reby Sky's son, will make his TNA and wrestling debut at their last taping of the year, which will be a special at his compound.

WWE star starts shooting:

Eva Marie has started work on a film with Nicholas Cage and Faye Dunaway today.

SmackDown tease:

  • Orton & Kane join forces to invade dark territory
  • What is next for the AJ Styles and the WWE World Championship?
  • How long can Dolph Ziggler stay atop the mountain as Intercontinental Champion?
  • Is there a new glow shining on the SmackDown Women's Championship picture?
  • Face the facts: Curt Hawkins debuts this week

Matt Hardy to buy, and kill TNA:

Matt Hardy says he is interested in buying his employer TNA, but said his first move would be to retire the name of the group, as it ''Retards'' the brand.

Daniel Bryan:

Daniel Bryan is fronting a campaign to end animal cruelty.

Dudleyz not gone?:

Bubba Ray Dudley corrected a fan who expressed shock that they left WWE, he told the fan not to believe everything he hears, and intimated that he is still affiliated with the group.

Del Rio changes story... again:

Alberto Del Rio has offered a third reason for his attack with a knife last week...

"I'm fine. It was one of those situations where I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was an incident with somebody who disrespected my girl. And, of course, I had to do something. And then, the rest is history. Now, we're good. Like I said, with that behind us, we are ready for bigger and better things."

WWE returnees to get match:

Dolph Ziggler has asked Daniel Bryan to make a match for him against his former buddies the Spirit Squad for tonight's SmackDown. He granted the request.

TV star asked to explain:

Nancy Grace, who caused huge controversy for a TV piece she did two years ago, in the wake of the death of the Ultimate Warrior, has finally decided to explain herself... it did not go well for her... enjoy. C/O The Sam Roberts Show...

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