Saturday, October 1, 2016

Today's News

ROH title change:

The Young Bucks are the new ROH Tag Team champions. They won the gold at the special last night.

Bruno praises WWE:

"It's very good. I congratulate Vince for the changes that he made. I really think that is great but more than that I think my goodness in my day we had those boxing rings, that were like concrete and when I look at my peers and the guys that are still around they are all crippled up. Now, Vince made these changes to these rings and they don't have the steel posts underneath they have springs and it has a lot of give and more padding on the ring which is great. He has done a lot to protect the guys and when somebody gets hurt from everything I know that I've been told he picks up the tab for all of them because a lot of them don't have insurance. I respect that. When I complained about the steroids and the nudity and all that stuff, I was strong in criticizing it. But you have to be fair and with everything that I see now that he has done and the money that these guys make compared to what we did (laughs) in my day, I have to say he brought it to where the talent can really be on the same level as other athletes."

He saved most of his praise for Triple H, who he says has 100% kept every promise he made during their HOF negotiations.

Rumble return:

WWE are taking the Royal Rumble back to the AlamoDome in San Antonio, Texas. They last held the event there in 1997 and will return after a twenty-year break in January. They hope to break the event's all-time attendance record.

Triple H is already hyping the event, saying anybody might show up, possibly a hint at an appearance for hometown hero Shawn Michaels?.


Billy Corgan says BFG, and next weeks TV's will happen after an anonymous third party financier paid for the events. This will temporarily delay takeover talks but both Billy Corgan and WWE will resume their negotiations next week. I have seen some speculation that WWE are funding the events for TNA, but even if they are serious about buying the promotion, I find it unlikely to be true.

Bella tensions:

John Cena has discussed tensions between him and Nikki and Daniel Bryan and Brie during their time living together for Total Bella's. He said Daniel & Brie had to leave their dog at home after it bit him, but he and Nikki did have their dog in the house.

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