Monday, October 24, 2016

Today's News

Orton sells out:

Randy Orton has sold his home for $775,000. He had lived in the three bedroom mansion since it was built three years ago.

WWE / Indie tie up:

WWE are asking their fans what indie promotions they like, with a view to bringing footage from the promotions onto their Network.

The possibilities are...

  • Pro Wrestling Guerrilla
  • Dragon Gate USA
  • Ohio Valley Wrestling
  • All American Wrestling
  • Combat Zone Wrestling
  • Shimmer
  • Ring of Honor
  • Full Impact Pro

They may find competition from a new streaming service to be launched later this week. Floslam have announced they are bringing the best indie wrestling to their channel. The monthly fee would be $20 or a year would cost $150. That is unless they are tying up together. WWE are one of the financiers of the project and are responsible for at least some of the $21 million the company have raised for the project thus far.

Jobber signing:

Everyone's favourite jobber James Ellsworth is on the verge of signing a WWE deal, based solely on the popularity of his WWE shirt.

Raw tease:

  • Brock Lesnar responds to Goldberg
  • Will friendship be tested in the Triple Threat Match main event?
  • Cesaro & Sheamus battle The New Day before WWE Hell in a Cell
  • Can Sami Zayn end Braun Strowman's destruction?
  • Who will gain key momentum before WWE's first Women's Hell in a Cell Match?

PG poster boy gets dirty:

John Cena caused some offence at a media event today. He was asked by a young fan what his favourite thing to eat was, and he replied in a very non PG way. He looked over to Nikki Bella and said if she stood up he could show everyone (Referring to her vagina). Nikki quickly saved the situation by telling the youngster what his real best meal was, and he thanked her for helping dig him out of the hole his mouth had gotten him into, but the damage was done with some, who were less than impressed with his language.

Most in the crowd took the joke for what it was and laughed along, but the fact the question came from a child troubled others.

Goldberg starts training:

Goldberg has started training for his WWE return today.


Ryback says he is quitting use of testosterone to get back to a normal body as he wants to start a family within the next five years. He added he will follow in the footsteps of Triple H who did the same in 2002/3...

"Whether he likes me talking about this or not, but do you remember when Hunter went through that period of looking pretty s--tty on TV? And he has one of the all-time greatest physiques. But there was a period where, I always remember, I don't know if the rumor was he was trying to have kids. But I remember, there was a period where his body was a little softer, and he still looked great, but when you're in wrestling, spandex and tights, they bring out the worst. And you're out there breathing heavy. I remember there was a period where he didn't look quite as good as what he had before. So I feel like I went through that period myself of, even though I stayed relatively lean the entire time, I lost some muscle mass because I wasn't working out either for six weeks. I couldn't. I wasn't allowed. I wasn't allowed to do anything after the ear and nose surgery. And so, I'm just now, my weight is just now coming back and I'm, like, lifting normal and whatnot."

Summer Rae:

Summer Rae represented WWE at the Maxim Halloween party this past weekend.

TNA hit again:

TNA have had another multi thousand $ lawsuit filed against them. LLC want over $200,000 for unpaid insurance premiums.

WWE teasing split angle:

WWE are trialing an angle on lives. They are playing with the idea of spitting Miz and his real life wife Maryse, and are asking fans if she would be better without the awesome one.

Hell In A Cell:

The Club vs Enzo & Cass has been added to this weekend's WWE special.


Chris Jericho has released the art for his fourth book.

Injured star coming home:

Finn Balor will make a special appearance at a British indie event in November. He will be guest enforcer at ICW in Scotland, taking the spot of Mick Foley, whose WWE return means he can no longer fulfil the gig.

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