Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Today's News

Flair vs Foley:

Ric Flair has criticised Mick Foley's rants against WWE...

"The problem I have is Foley is not there. Like, to me, Mick has become a Monday morning quarterback. He's only observing what he's watching on TV. Do you know what I mean? And I don't think it's fair to the company to be ostracized or scrutinized by someone that's not there."

Rousey retirement:

Ronda Rousey says if she cannot win her rematch vs Holly Holm she will quit everything...

"Either I'll win and keep going or I won't and I'll be done with everything."

Wrestling reunion:

Batista and MVP met up for a tour of Marvel HQ this week.

Raw walkout:

A fan taken photo has been released of fans filing out of the arena before the main event of Raw this week. The point the fans were trying to make was scuppered somewhat because they were located behind the hard camera, so were not seen to be gone on screen.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Lucha Dragons vs New Day.
  • The Ascension vs Ryback.
  • Dolph Ziggler vs Tyler Breeze.
  • Becky Lynch vs Paige.
  • Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns vs Kevin Owens & Sheamus.

Dolph Ziggler suffered a black eye in his match.

Jimmy Snuka:

A judge has decided that Superfly Jimmy Snuka does have a case to answer, and will go to trial on March 22, for the murder of his girlfriend in 1983. The judge though did chastise the alleged victims sister for repeatedly posting about the case on social media, and warned her of the potential implications if she defies his advice.

Fan incident:

A family were kicked out of SmackDown last night after an ugly incident. Two young boys repeatedly chanted the ''N word'' at Roman Reigns as he entered for the main event, leading to other audience members, close to the boys, to ask the mother of the boys why she wasn't dealing with their behaviour. She reacted angrily, and started to argue with other fans, leading some to take pictures and videos of her tirade, and the boys who had started the incident. This further angered the lady, and security eventually stepped in, and removed the people they saw as the problem.

Chris Jericho:

A fan had a Chris Jericho sign confiscated from him, from last nights TV's. The man himself has discussed the night that defines his WWE career, becoming the first Undisputed champion...

"I found out about it the day of the show, literally, that afternoon. And I'd heard, maybe, a couple of rumors about it here and there, but you never know and I'd heard rumors that other people were going to get it as well, so it was not a big, planned thing that you might expect, like, plans drawn out and dates and all that sort of stuff. Whether it was a last minute decision or it was something in the plans for a while, I knew about it that afternoon."

He also says he does not want a retirement match...

"There will never be a retirement match. I'll never have one. When I'm finished, it might be a house show in Wolverhampton [England], but when I'm done, I'll know it and that's it. There will be no retirement tour, no retirement match, no big WrestleMania sendoff. I don't believe in that either. I think when you're done, you're done and I don't need somebody to pat me on the back and say how great I am. I'd rather just ride off into the sunset and just disappear and that's probably what'll happen. It might've already happened. You don't know!."

Darren Young ill?:

Darren Young today posted a photo from a hospital, without offering any further explanation.

Alum gets ripped:

Santino Marella has posted a photo of an upcoming magazine shoot he did today... (Photo).


Lucha Underground will return to TV on January 27.

Wrestlers to MMA:

Rey Mysterio and Konnan have signed for Combate Americas. Konnan will announce, and Rey has accepted an ambassadorial role.

Surgery needed:

Sting has finally conceded defeat and will accept surgical intervention for the neck injury he suffered at Night Of Champions.

Del Rio slams AAA:

Alberto Del Rio says WWE had granted him permission to go to Mexico to drop his AAA title, but the promotion's lack of organisation caused WWE to lose patience, and they withdrew him. He said he wants fans to know the true reason why he could not say goodbye to his country men properly.

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