Thursday, December 17, 2015

Today's News

NXT return:

Sami Zayn will be back on NXT TV next week.

West Ham respond:

After Triple H expressed interest in the services of one of the current players of West Ham United's squad, the club presented The Game with a personalised jersey before last nights NXT London special.

Neidhart family podcast:

Chris Jericho has interviewed Anvil, Natalya, and Tyson Kidd for his podcast show.


ROH star Adam Cole won the Preston City Championship in the UK recently. The promotion have also confirmed they will air at midnight on Wednesdays when they move to Comet.

New baby:

The Rock became the father to a baby girl today.

Hardy gone for a year:

Jeff Hardy needs another knee surgery, and will be gone until the very end of 2016, if he has the op done. This will probably mean he will not wrestle for TNA again in his current deal, as both he and his brothers deals expire in 10-12 weeks.

Fan incident:

A fan in Sheffield, during the NXT UK tour, tried to rush into the ring, but was stopped by security.

Reigns reign:

WWE invited a number of Roman Reigns family to Raw to see him win the WWE title this week.

Kevin Sullivan talks Benoit murder theories, involving him:

"The speculation did bother me for a while, until I talked to Nancy's mother and she said, 'I can't believe that people even think that' and she made me feel better. The sister made me feel better. This is how people are so sick and so much of an idol-worship. They were looking for, and I don't mean this in any bad light, but they were looking for an out because he was a great, great, great, fabulous wrestler. We'll never know what caused it, but for people to believe something like that, means they believe that the earth is hollow or flat or whatever."

He went on to advise Chris' son David not to get into wrestling.

Where Is He Now?:

WWE have caught up with Kenny Dykstra this week, as he promotes his anti bullying book. It is interesting that WWE have done so, as he has been very outspoken against the promotion, in particular John Cena, since leaving.

Lucha legend dies:

Lizmark has passed at the age of 66. He was one of only two people to win NWA titles at three different weight levels.

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