Sunday, December 6, 2015

Today's News

WWE in trouble?:

NBC have come out in defense of WWE, after repeated media attacks on the declining ratings, and poor product...

"WWE programming delivers one of the most massive live audiences in cable on a weekly basis and is consistently a top performer for our networks."

WWE refused to comment further.

ECW death:

ECW original Hack Myers has died at the age of 41, after complications following his recent brain surgery.


The WWE fan council survey are asking it's members what is good and bad about the two products, and what the two brands can learn from each other, to improve.

The council are also debating which titles should be re-designed, the top three are, in order...

  1. The Diva's...
  2. The Tag Team...
  3. The WWE World Heavyweight...

Sami on tour:

Sami Zayn is coming to the UK this week, for the NXT UK tour.

Jericho helps out:

Y2J has just returned from an overseas band tour, and is now going to Carolina to lend a hand with the flooding in the state.

Renee flies Solo:

Renee Young interviewed actor Harrison Ford for her WWE Network show this week.


Charlotte Flair says she wants to be the female equivalent of The Rock...

"I'm not 21 anymore and I've got a good head on my shoulders. I'm on cloud nine. I want to be the female Rock. Honestly I can't believe I'm here today. Where I'm going to be in three years, I'm sure I'll be blown away."

The current Diva's champ will also appear on the cover of Muscle & Fitness soon.


Jim Ross is not dead. His Twitter was hacked by a Leeds United fan today. The hacker then sent repeated tweets in support of his team, before tweeting that JR was dead. The tweet received a ton of heat, and led to JR's account being suspended.

WCW thief:

PN News has discussed the thieving atmosphere in the WCW locker room, and being accused of the crimes...

"There was an issue where some money went missing in the dressing rooms over in London and actually I was one of the guys that lost my money as well but I got smeared with being the guy who took the money. About six months later they caught the guy, it was a referee that was stealing all the money but they put it on me and after we got back from the British tour which was actually the first tour WCW had ever done in Europe me and Rick Rude had a little bit of a scuffle over nothing. He just said to me be careful what you say to the office."

Alum featured:

Val Venis has been interviewed by a UK paper. He discussed his new career as a legal drugs dispenser.

Fan incident:

Alberto Del Rio was assaulted by a fan at ringside at this weekends WWC show in Puerto Rico.

New job for HOF'er:

Hacksaw Jim Duggan is going into stand up comedy.

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