Friday, December 18, 2015

Today's News


WWE have released the figures for the recent UK NXT tour...

  • December 10th in Newcastle, England drew 3,300 fans
  • December 11th in Glasgow, Scotland drew 4,500 fans
  • December 12th in Sheffield, England drew 2,500 fans
  • December 13th in Blackpool, England drew a sellout 2,000 fans
  • December 14th in Nottingham, England drew 2,500 fans
  • December 15th in Cardiff, Wales drew a sellout 3,200 fans
  • December 16th in London for Takeover drew a sellout of above 7,000 fans, announced as 10,079.


Lucha Dragons have been given a rematch vs New Day, this time for the Tag belts, on next weeks SmackDown.


TNA will debut on Pop next Tuesday.

Mania appearance beached:

Zac Efron, who will co-star with The Rock in Baywatch, has confirmed that the movie will start shooting in March 2016, likely meaning The Rock will not be available for Mania 32.

Racist Russo:

Magnus has revealed he almost quit TNA over a racist dig by Vince Russo...

"I remember Vince Russo specifically saying to me 'What? You want to be World Champion or something?' and me saying 'Yeah' and he's like 'That will never happen, you're a Brit.' I remember I almost quit then and there because what's the of the point of being there?."

Bret goes home:

Bret Hart visited the infamous ''Dungeon'' this week.

Cena buried Riley:

Tyler Reks has confirmed John Cena did set about burying Alex Riley...

"There is truth that there was some sort of unknown, unreasonable heat between Riley and Cena. To the point where everyone on the roster thought that Cena was treating him in a way that was totally uncalled for. No one approached Cena about it, but the entire locker room was on Riley's side, a lot of condolences, and this is 'ridiculous, bro,' and it was every freakin' day. Cena thought Riley did something wrong every single day. Like, it's completely against the wrestler code to ever go through another wrestler's bag. One day, Riley walked into an empty locker room and Cena was just going through his bag. He found some pre-workout vitamins and b---hed him out for taking supplements, asking if he 'thinks this is ok.' Like, he was looking for a reason to get him fired. (Then) We had the match when Linda was running for Congress for the Stand Up For WWE charity shows, and it was a tag match, I think it was a six man tag match if I remember right. And it was me, Hawkins, and Ziggler vs. Riley, and two other baby faces. Cena had made it clear that he wanted Riley to act a certain way and do certain things. And we structured the entire match to his wishes and it went flawlessly as far as we were concerned. The second we walked backstage he came up to me and said 'hey where's numbnuts?' And he sees the look on my face and tells me to go get Riley. So all six of us came back and he b---hed out Riley in front of the backstage roster -- about how he always tells him to do one thing and he does another, and Cena was 'washing his hands of helping him.' Even Ziggler was like, 'What the hell, man?'."

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