Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Today's News

Slammy Awards:

WWE have named the winners of their Slammy Awards...

  • WWE Tag Team of the Year - The Usos.
  • Best John Cena US Open Challenge - Cesaro (Raw, July 6).
  • Hashtag of the Year - #SuplexCity.
  • Celebrity Moment of the Year - Stephen Amell dives onto Stardust at SummerSlam.
  • "Tell Me You Didn't Just Say That" Moment of the Year - Brock Lesnar coins "Suplex City" at WrestleMania.
  • Match of the Year - The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar at Hell in a Cell.
  • This Is Awesome Moment of the Year - The Rock and Ronda Rousey confront The Authority at WrestleMania 31.
  • Diva of the Year - Nikki Bella.
  • Surprise Return of the Year - Sting returns, posing as Seth Rollins' statue, and attacks The Architect (Raw, Aug. 24).
  • Superstar of the Year - Seth Rollins.
  • OMG Shocking Moment of the Year - Kalisto's Salida del Sol through a ladder at WWE TLC.
  • LOL Moment of the Year - R-Truth for thinking he was in Money In the Bank.
  • Breakout Star of the Year - Neville.
  • Rivalry of the Year - The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar.
  • Best Original WWE Network Original - Stone Cold Podcast.
  • Double Cross of the Year - Damien Mizdow eliminates The Miz from the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal at WrestleMania.
  • Extreme Moment of the Year - Roman Reigns levels The League of Nations and Triple H at WWE TLC.

WWE have also created a new Slammy to recognise the work done by it's talent outside of the ring, especially for charitable causes. The nominees were...

  • Big Show
  • John Cena (Winner)
  • Natalya
  • Roman Reigns
  • Stephanie McMahon
  • Titus O'Neil

Stephanie McMahon withdrew herself from the list before the show went to air.


Mick Foley portrayed Santa on Raw last night, and Seth Rollins returned to accept his Slammy.

John Cena:

WWE have announced that John Cena will return on Raw next week.


TNA adverts aired during the commercials on Raw last night.


Dean Ambrose received 6 staples to his head after his match on Raw last night.

Scott Hall talks ''Fake'' Razor:

"I felt cool. It made me feel like Elvis [Presley]! I had an impersonator! The guy was doing my schtick! He was doing everything! Like, Kane did Diesel, but it's just similar body types, but I heard they auditioned guys for the Razor role and I felt so flattered. I even contacted the guy [and] offered to sell him my old [ring] gear because I wasn't using it anymore, but he was, like, too fat. He couldn't fit into anything. I heard the story one time, they were sitting around the [WWE] locker room and somebody's trying to shave and they go, 'hey, who [has] got a disposable razor?' And they said Taker went, 'there's one right there.'"

Live SmackDown tease:

  • Will The Lucha Dragons be able to score another win when the WWE gold is on the line?
  • A highly personal Intercontinental Triple Threat showdown
  • The Divas division is as unpredictable as ever
  • Who will be the standout of SuperSmackDown LIVE?
  • Warning: The League is livid and Stephanie McMahon is out for justice.

WWE 2K16:

WWE have released a legends pack DLC for their video game today, Dusty Rhodes, Roddy Piper, Trish Stratus and others are included. You can also now purchase the Terminator pack of two playable characters for $4.99.

Mark Henry:

Mark Henry is celebrating hitting a million followers on Twitter.

JoMo talks personal feud with Seth Rollins:

"There's nothing worse than being injured, especially for somebody like Seth because he's an artist in the ring. To have a broken wheel like he's got right now, has got to be killing him. I wish him a speedy recovery, because I want to kick his ass one day. And I will say that I'm sure he can talk all kinds of trash to you or whoever, as long as I'm not in the room with him. But I also think that after his interview with you — and I might have said a few things back — I don't think he's ever going to say anything about me again because he knows at the end of the day I'm smarter, more talented, I've had a much longer, better career than him and if we're ever in the ring together it's going to be painfully obvious how much better than him I am."

Darren Young:

Darren Young has injured his quad. He is currently going through physio.

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