Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Today's News

Slammy Awards:

WWE have named the categories and nominees for their annual end of year awards show...

Superstar of the Year...

  • Open to the entire roster.

Rivalry of the Year...

  • Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt.
  • The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar.
  • Team Bella vs. Team BAD vs. Team PCB.
  • John Cena vs. Rusev.
  • Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton

Double Cross of the Year...

  • Jon Stewart attacks Cena.
  • Orton turns on The Authority.
  • Paige attacks Charlotte and Becky Lynch.
  • Stardust betrays Goldust.
  • Damien Mizdow eliminates The Miz at WrestleMania.

Surprise Return of the Year...

  • Chris Jericho at Night of Champions.
  • The Dudley Boyz confront The New Day on RAW.
  • Sting ambushes Triple H and Seth Rollins on RAW.
  • Alberto Del Rio at Hell In a Cell.
  • Kane prevents Sheamus from cashing in at Night of Champions.

Best Original WWE Network Show...

  • Breaking Ground.
  • Stone Cold Podcast.
  • WWE 24.
  • Table For 3.
  • Swerved.

Tag Team of the Year...

  • The New Day.
  • The Usos.
  • The Lucha Dragons.
  • The Prime Time Players.
  • Tyson Kidd and Cesaro

Celebrity Moment of the Year...

  • Stephen Amell dives onto Stardust at SummerSlam.
  • The Entourage cast introduces Zack Ryder on RAW.
  • Jon Stewart gets on Cena's bad side at SummerSlam.
  • Kevin Owens powerbombs Machine Gun Kelly from the stage.
  • Wayne Rooney slaps King Barrett on RAW.

Hashtag of the Year...

  • #GiveDivasAChance.
  • #AxelMania.
  • #SuplexCity.
  • #SaveTheTables.
  • #RKOOuttaNowhere.

"Tell Me You Didn't Just Say That" Moment of the Year...

  • Dean Ambrose calls Rollins "Justin Bieber".
  • Rollins calls Johnny Manziel "Johnny Idiot Face".
  • Rollins says Kane was just "there" at WrestleMania.
  • Brock Lesnar introduces "Suplex City" to the world.
  • Paige spoils Charlotte's title celebration.

Best John Cena US Open Challenge...

  • Cena vs. Cesaro on 7/6.
  • Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler on 10/12.
  • Cena vs. Sami Zayn on 5/4.
  • Cena vs. Ambrose on 3/30.
  • Cena vs. Neville on 5/11.

New champion:

Roman Reigns beat Sheamus to become the new WWE World Heavyweight champion last night on Raw. He was injured beforehand, Stephanie McMahon's repeated slaps to his face caused a bad contusion around his eye.


King Barrett is injured. It was feared he had re-injured the shoulder that cost him 6 months of his career in 2014, but he says he has nerve damage in his neck, and is taking time out for precautionary reasons.

No call:

AJ Styles says WWE have made no effort to sign him...

"I haven't had a call from someone who wants to hire me so nothing really and I'm okay with that and that's not a big deal to me. I think it's more of the fans wanting something like this to happen than what I am wanting to happen. I want to be able to retire in a couple of years so I am going to go wherever that takes me. But I have no problem doing the Independents, I love it. I have a great time on the Indies. I've had a lot of great opportunities to wrestle a lot of great wrestlers. Also doing Ring of Honor and Japan that's a good combination."

Foley vs Flair:

Mick Foley has responded to Ric Flair's criticism of his anti WWE social media posts today...

''BEING FAIR TO FLAIR. Based on the calvacade of comments I received over the past two weeks beginning with the words "Did you hear what Ric Flair said about you" or headlines reading "Flair critical of Foley" - complete with thoughtful links, to make the criticism so much easier to find - thought I would eventually have to respond. But then I clicked onto one of those helpful links and read Ric's actual words. There's no story here. No controversy. Ric's criticism of me was mild at worst. Besides he's Ric Flair. He's pretty much earned the right to speak his mind about anything he wants in the wrestling world. I had the right to criticize WWE, which I did… Ric Flair had the right to criticize my criticism of WWE, which he did... But when we get to a point where I start criticizing Ric Flair's criticism of me criticizing the WWE, the whole thing starts to sound pretty silly, doesn't it?. So let's not go there. Instead of addressing a situation that isn't actually there, let me share a little Foley-Flair story with you: following the Natalya vs Charlotte WWE NXT match at NXT Takeover on May 29th, 2014 - the match I still consider to be THE game-changer in #WomensWrestling in WWE - I spent several hours (more hours than any writing project I've done in the last three years) trying to express just how meaningful that match had been. I received a message from Charlotte telling me how much she appreciated my words, and I wrote back "You know, your dad and I might not agree on much...but we both believe in you." WOOOOO!.''

WWE holiday message:

TNA dropped:

Destination America will only air one more episode of TNA Impact.

Regal sent home:

William Regal will not attend the NXT UK special. He has returned to the States for a medical appointment regarding his neck.

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