Friday, December 4, 2015

Today's News

WrestleMania 32:

Kevin Owens is in line for a major WrestleMania debut. WWE are planning on pairing him with Brock Lesnar for the show of shows. Brock will have the ultimate final decision, but Owens has regularly said this is the match he wants, so he will certainly be on board.

TE winner named:

Josh will be called Bronson Mathews.

Konnan talks learning to respect Jericho:

"One thing that I had so much respect for Jericho about was I remember when Eric Bischoff was going to have Jericho do a match with Juventud Guerrera for his mask, but Jericho understood what that meant in Mexico and how disrespectful it was to be taken the way they were going to do it."

Foley signs:

Mick Foley has confirmed his son Dewey has signed for WWE, as a writer, in a blog today...

''So it seems that my son Dewey's hiring by WWE has caused some people to question the honesty, or intentions of a few of my recent Facebook posts. From what I can gather, the criticism has fallen into one of two camps.

  1. I was critical of WWE's recent creative direction in order to open up an opportunity for my son to join the creative team...
  2. I praised the past episode of WWE RAW as some sort of thank you gesture for hiring my son.

I also received several messages on social media pointing out the perception of nepotism involved in WWE's decision to hire my son – as if I had arranged for some type of high-paying, piece-of-cake job for him with the company. Here is the truth. My son was hired two months ago by WWE creative, and will begin working with the company in January. He would have started earlier, but he and I both felt it was important for him to fulfill the commitment he made to the college that employed him as the director of a residence hall. He could have merely explained that this was his dream job, and possibly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but he chose to stay because it was the right thing – and because I told him that deep down, Mr. McMahon would respect him as a man of his word. My son was not given this job because of his last name. He earned it. He earned it by working for hundreds of hours in solitude, with no compensation, to prove his writing skills and mind for the business. There are no piece-of-cake jobs in WWE. As ESPN's Jonathan Coachman said of his time with WWE, "you are expected to bring it every day." My son will do his best to "bring it" every day. He will be working long hours, in a thankless, difficult job, for entry level money - the way it should be. There has also been talk of my daughter joining WWE as a backstage interviewer. I certainly hope that turns out to be the case - but as of now, as far as I know, it's just talk. The hiring of my son in September by WWE has had no bearing on any of my posts about the company - be they negative or positive. I am both puzzled and insulted to think that some wrestling fans have become so jaded and cynical that they could read a few of those heartfelt Facebook posts or listen to my podcast with stone cold Steve Austin, and doubt the sincerity of my words. Not everything - in wrestling or life - is an angle, or a work. I love WWE. I really do. I literally began a meeting with Triple H two years ago by saying, "I love this company. I love it now - and no matter what happens during the course of this meeting, I'll love it when I walk out this door. So I guess, when I write something that is critical of WWE, I convince myself that I am showing them "tough love" - that the right people will read what I have to say (I I have it on good authority that the right people DO read my posts) and that my thoughts will be taken into consideration. But these past few days have made me re-examine my priorities. Maybe I should do the right thing as a parent and stop being so critical of the company in such a public way. His job will be tough enough without his dad throwing obstacles in his way. I think I will start using the text option on my phone when I feel like Mr. McMahon, Triple H or Stephanie need to hear my opinions or feedback. Maybe I'll get fewer likes on my Facebook page. But I'll probably sleep better at night.

Have a nice day.

Mick Foley.''

JTG talks racism in wrestling:

"I definitely believe so just due to history, the results you know? All the superstars that have been identified as African Americans, have been identified as Black – I've never seen them been the face of the company or be the Heavyweight champion. I've seen it in other companies like TNA and WCW, but in WWF still there hasn't been a Black face or a champion. What Hulk Hogan did was very disappointing. He was one of my biggest childhood heroes in the 80s and to hear him say that 'We're all a little racist' you've pretty much sealed your own fate. And I'm still trying to wrap my head around that. It's still disappointing. I know that he is a loving guy and he's very positive. I've met Hogan probably like two or three times and he's already had good spirits about him but racism has nothing to do with loving or hating somebody; it's a mindset that you are superior to the other race. That's how wrestling has always been. Hopefully it changes real soon. And usually they bring them in as a heel; as a monster for the white champion to overcome. You know Umaga, he was fed to John Cena. Same thing with Kamala in the 80s, he was fed to Hulk Hogan. Nine times out of ten they make the angry black man - the savage - just be fed to the champion. It's an obstacle that he's going to win."

CM Punk:

Dana White says he has started to look for CM Punk's first opponent in UFC...

"I just started a new show, the pilot is on YouTube, it's called 'Dana White Looking for a Fight' and I'm actually out looking for opponents for CM Punk right now. It's the first time this guy has ever trained to fight. The guy's never wrestled. He's professional wrestled but he's never wrestled. He will fight next year, 100 percent."

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