Friday, May 9, 2014

Today's News

CM Punk:

A childhood friend of CM Punk has discussed the toll fame has taken on him, in her newspaper column. She confirmed he is retired, and revealed he has been subject to death threats. She says she constantly fears she will switch on her TV to hear he has been stabbed to death. Here is a taste of her piece...

''Now, he's the recently retired seven-time World Champion, and he's one of the most isolated people I've ever known. A few weeks ago he found a young fan and his mom cramming Easter candy into the mail slot of his front door. Just before that, he walked out of his back door to throw out the trash only to be met by fans camped out in his alley for hours just to see him.''

Batista bites back:

Batista says he is being vilified and lied about by WWE. Sources close to the former Champ accuse insiders of leaking negative stories about him because they want him gone. They say it is Vince that wants rid of Batista before June, not the other way around, and that Batista would job for Daniel Bryan all day long. They went on to say that Bryan was a martyr, and could not be touched, and that Vince was trying to do to Batista, what he had done to Warrior and Bret Hart in the past.

AJ pulled:

AJ Lee has been withdrawn from the European tour.


TNA have officially announced Chris Sabin has left the company, but Bram has been signed to a multi year deal.


WWE will soon start to use their post show Network event to start the angle's for the following weeks show, they hope to increase interest and therefore viewers.


When Batista leaves WWE, a new member will join Evolution, current favourite is Sheamus.

Angle done with TNA?:

Kurt Angle is injured again, this time he will be benched until September at the earliest. This is the same time his contract expires, so he may well have worked his last match for the company. Kurt Angle says he will be back in the ring, but acknowledged his TNA contract would have ended by then.

Wrestler jailed:

Buck Zumhofe was sentenced to 25 years in jail for sexual assault vs his teenage daughter yesterday.

WWE prospect free to join:

Prince Devitt has now left NJPW, and is free to make the switch to WWE should he so choose.

New baby:

Mickie James, formerly of WWE and TNA has confirmed she is pregnant.

Dixie vs JR:

A parody account has been having fun at Dixie Carter's expense recently, to which she shot back with a jibe at the real Jim Ross...

"It's official. You know as little as the real JR."

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