Sunday, May 11, 2014

Today's News

NXT stars steal the show:

Adrian Neville and Tyler Breeze have been garnering rave reviews for a match on the NXT tour this weekend.

Smith Hart on Benoit:

Smith Hart has released a brief comment after David Benoit pulled out of a Hart Legacy match, where was scheduled to make his wrestling debut. He takes a thinly veiled swipe at Chris Jericho, the man that stepped in to have the match cancelled...

"Here's hoping dissuasion of David Benoit's debut works out best for everyone including every single loyal fan."

TNA game:

Here is a tease for a new mobile game from TNA.


Victoria did not compete for TNA at last night's One Night Only.

WWE TV deal:

It seems an announcement is coming on the future of WWE's TV home, and the speculation is they will be staying with NBC. The TV company will be making an announcement about a number of matters on Thursday, and it is widely expected that the renewal of the WWE rights will be included on the agenda.

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