Saturday, May 17, 2014

Today's News

WWE suffer financial collapse:

WWE have lost $340 Million since announcing their TV deal yesterday. This has led to one of their stake holders demanding that WWE sack the entire board, including Vince McMahon, Stephanie McMahon and Triple H, or sell to new owners at the earliest opportunity. The company's stock price has dropped a massive 63% since the heights of the Network launch, going from over $30 a share, down to just $11 a share at close of play last night. Lemelson Capital bought a major stake in WWE recently, and during the announcement of their purchase, stated that the devastating losses mean they have no choice but to demand that the company remove all executives, or allow a buy out, despite advising their members that a fair price for the shares is $8 - $11, which is less than it's current value.

On top of this WWE are being taken to court for mis-leading shareholders over the TV deals. The promotion stated they would earn $200 Million for their next TV contract, that is much less than they told their investors they were pushing for. This is a federal crime, relating to securities. The case will be heard in Louisiana.

WWE have announced a shareholders conference call will happen on Monday, to answer to the issues, and will be headed up by Vince McMahon personally..

AMC pick up wrestling show:

AMC have signed a deal with Billy Corgan to follow his wrestling promotion as a reality show. There will be 8 one hour episodes.

Daniel Bryan:

Some sites are reporting that Daniel Bryan may have a special appearance at this Monday's Raw. Don't count it... It is highly unlikely that he would be allowed to fly, so soon after his surgery. Also on Bryan, the time frame for a return of 2-3 months has been described as a best case scenario, and Daniel may actually be out for over 6 months.

TNA stars looking for the door:

No names have been mentioned, but it is being reported that active TNA talent are approaching other groups, such as ROH and GWF, to gage interest in their services. The roster are growing ever more concerned over the lack of a TV deal, and are starting to worry for the promotions future if they cannot sign one.

Scott Hall causing concern:

Scott Hall has withdrawn from a booked event this weekend, saying he is dealing with some health issues. However the promoter of the event says Scott's personal problems are back, and are the real reason he is no showing. Jake The Snake and DDP have noted recently that Razor has had a slip, and is going through a tough time, but DDP advised that his door is open to him whenever he wants the help.

WWE Top 10:

European moments.

Hall Of Fame 2015:

Add Kevin Nash to the planned class of 2015, probably to be inducted as Diesel.

Alex Riley:

Alex Riley worked his first match in over a year on the NXT live circuit this weekend.


CM Punk training at Bushwhacker Luke's Florida gym this weekend.

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