Thursday, May 15, 2014

Today's News


The talent search will begin on June 1 in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Jeff Jarrett says he will travel the world to look for people to join his new promotion, and Canada is the perfect place to start, as wrestling is in the DNA of the country.

Drew McIntyre:

Disappointment for Drew McIntyre. WWE have removed him from the UK live tour, and has been sent to Italy to compete in Rome, that means he could not wrestle for his home nation fans in Glasgow last night.

WWE game:

It looks as though video game fans will be without a new WWE title this year. The company want to change the release date of their annual game to WrestleMania week, starting with 2K15. They feel the hype of Mania week will be the perfect time to release the game to maximise it's sales, and will also add to the excitement and build up for the PPV super show.

The current release date is expected to be late March, but that may change. One feature rumoured to be included is a ''My Career'' mode, where your star would join WWE, at NXT level, and would have to earn their promotion onto the main roster, then onto Special Event / PPV level matches, before working your way through the titles, until eventually your avatar would be in the main event of WrestleMania going for the World Title.


The Shield vs Evolution match may end up being a Survivor Series elimination style match.

The Uso's vs The Wyatt Family (Rowan & Harper) is scheduled to be added to the card in the next week, the Tag Team titles will be on the line.


Roman Reigns was badly bust open and may be concussed after a nasty knock on the European tour vs Randy Orton, The incident was the result of a miscue between the two men, Reigns was going for the spear, when Orton attempted to counter with a quick body slam, however Reigns could not move his body into position in time and the two clashed heads badly. The concerns about his concussion have lessened in the past 24 hours, but he will still be monitored. (Photo)...

If he is concussed, he may be out of Payback, potentially changing the main event again,

European tour notes:

Despite WWE dropping Bo Dallas' debut, he is on the UK tour, along with NXT champ Adrian Neville.

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon went to Rome a day early to go sight seeing and to take some time out for themselves before the often grueling trip kicks off properly.

Paige talks advice from the Great One:

WWE Diva's Champion Paige has revealed she was pulled aside at WrestleMania by The Rock, and she says the advice he gave will be the driving force of her entire career, she told WWE.Com about the chat...

"I'm just taking every day as it comes. I have goals that I want to reach. In the long term, I want to be on the pay-per-views, I want to have my first WrestleMania match, and later on, I want to earn a spot in the WWE Hall of Fame one day. But I'm just taking it as it goes. I actually got some good advice from The Rock, who took me aside the day of WrestleMania 30, right before my Raw debut. He knew the connection that my family had and how hard I worked, and he said, "I just want you to stay humble and hungry." Those words have literally been stuck in my head for the last month. Never be satisfied, but always be hungry."


WWE have started a new routine of keeping a top star off Raw to maximise interest in Main Event, they have done so twice to date, with John Cena, and Cesaro. This will continue because they want to raise Main Event's status, now it is a WWE Network exclusive.


Sting has still not signed his WWE deal as of this week, but they are very close. However, they have been since before Mania.

Prince Devitt:

Prince Devitt is now expected to sign with WWE, friends of the Irish man say he is looking forward to the challenge, and should join up with the promotion in August. He apparently made his mind up to join last Autumn, but wanted to stay loyal and fulfill his contractual obligations in Japan.

WWE respond to heat:

WWE have defended the use of Russian PM Vladimir Putin in the Rusev & Lana stories, with this statement...

"WWE programming, like Hollywood movies and television shows, is an exciting blend of action, characters and fictional storylines of good versus evil that are often inspired by pop culture and current events. Russian President Vladimir Putin has given us good material to work with to create strong characters in Rusev and Lana, who are perceived as either protagonists or antagonists depending on where in the world you are watching WWE programming."

Ref revolt:

WWE's Referee's are unhappy with their pay. They are not making enough to cover their travel expenses and hotel / rental car bills, due to poor WWE ticket sales recently, and are struggling with their living expenses as a result. Apparently the Ref's are always the first to see their pay affected when the tour starts to struggle, and WWE lives have been down on ticket sales for a number of weeks now, meaning the Officials financial statuses are starting to bite.

The European tour got off to a great start last night in Scotland, with a 13,000 ticket sell out in Glasgow, so hopefully that will help the situation.

Brock Lesnar:

Dave Meltzer confirms Brock Lesnar will return at SummerSlam, where he is expected to win the World Title, and will then continue into Night Of Champions, where he will drop it to a new champion, rumoured to be either Cesaro or Roman Reigns.

WWE TV deals:

The deal is reportedly done, apparently signed this afternoon, and it looks like WWE are staying with NBC, the confirmation is expected to come tonight. This will have a number of benefits, E! have already asked for another 10 episodes of Total Diva's should the deal be done, and strong speculation is the higher price they are paying for the rights would see NBC ask for a live airing of SmackDown from now on, not the pre taped show we are used too. Jim Ross has already predicted the SmackDown show will move to Tuesday night's and will go out live on SyFy, when the new deal comes into place in September.


TNA have decimated their roster. going from 60 performers on this date two years ago, to just 33 now. The latest to go will probably be Kurt Angle, TNA officials are already saying he is ''100% gone''. He is currently injured, and he will be benched for the duration of his current contract, and some high up backstage staffers have already written his TNA epitaph. They expect him to return to WWE when he is fit again.


WWE are reporting that Tony Chimel suffered a concussion when he was slapped by Alicia Fox this week. The injury is kayfabe.

Daniel Bryan:

The surgery is done, and it was successful, but the injury was worse than first thought. Daniel had some cervical bones reshaped to decompress the root of the nerves in the neck, this will eventually lead to a cervical disc collapsing, fixing the neck problems. This will keep him benched for longer than WWE hoped, he will be out until SummerSlam. The recovery time given is 2-3 months. He is already walking around, and has posted a post surgery pic to his social media.

WWE will now have a decision to make regarding the championship. Officials said they would be happy to wait for a month or two, any longer may mean they need to change direction. We will find out what they decide on Monday's Raw.

WWE Alum saves the day:

DH Smith stopped an ''Ultra aggressive'' purse snatcher from escaping with a ladies belongings in Amsterdam this week. The bad guy was winning a brawl with three security guards, so the former WWE man stepped in, choked him out, and he very quickly settled down. Smith maintained the choke until cops came to get him.

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