Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Today's News


Dave Meltzer is reporting that Batista will stay with WWE through Payback, but has refused to face Daniel Bryan. He will instead compete in an Evolution vs The Shield rematch. This was confirmed at Raw, when WWE changed the planned match between Daniel Bryan and Batista to start the feud, and put him with Alberto Del Rio.


* Sheamus won a 20 man Battle Royal to become the new US Champion, ending Dean Ambrose's record longest reign.

* Adam Rose debuted, but did not wrestle. He intervened during a promo by Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger.

Mick Foley vs WWE:

Mick Foley has accused WWE of snubbing him. Wade Barrett has started using his old elbow finisher as tribute, and Foley is upset that WWE are not acknowledging the fact...

"Wait a second @MichaelCole - are you guys not aware that you've just ignored @WadeBarrett's CactusJack elbow for a 2nd night? RAW"

"Well, if the announce team won't acknowledge me, maybe you guys can. Let's see if we can get CactusJack trending again. RAW"

Foley has tweeted some jibes back, telling WWE they are risking ruining Daniel Bryan's popularity with their current angle, just like they did with Zack Ryder. He also revealed that 3MB were going to portray his 3 characters last year, but Heath was injured and the angle was dropped.

Ultimate Warrior:

Sitcom ''The Goldberg's'' will be dedicated to the Ultimate Warrior tonight. The writer Adam Goldberg reached out to Warrior's family to get permission before writing references to him into the show.

Trish Stratus on WWE:

Trish Stratus has discussed what is missing from the WWE women's division...

"We represented things different. We were kind of there to work. That was our mantra. We wanted you to look at us for our work, not necessarily what we are wearing. I think the diva's division, and this might be cliché because I don't know how many times I've said this, but all they need is a bit more character development. We don't get to know them, so when they get to the ring unfortunately, nobody cares. There is nothing for us to get behind or motivated or excited about character-wise and storyline-wise. I think there needs to be a little bit more focus on characters and with more TV time. I need to know these characters."


Ezekiel Jackson has invited an approach from TNA and GWF, and says he would work for them if they were to show an interest.


Huge heat for indy star Short Sleeve Sampson (With WWE) for posting this photo on Sunday. He was a guest announcer on the Extreme Rules pre show, and had been taking pictures of his day, with WWE, after his appearance he posted some of the images to his Facebook. Problem with this one being John Cena and The Wyatt Family were sitting in the audience going through their match.

Thou Shalt Not Break Kayfabe!!!... It's like the rules man... Woops...

Sampson released a statement of apology...

"They say a picture is worth a thousand words but in my case it has become the center of alot of controversy. I want to publicly apologize to the WWE, the workers in this business who give their blood, sweat, and tears, and to all the fans that continue to support it! After my segment was over on Extreme Rules I did post a few pictures on my facebook of my experience from working with WWE for that day. I did not realize that in one of my posted pics I was "exposing the business" until someone commented on it and I immediately took it down! I love this business and I feel honored to be a part of it! I would never intentionally try to do anything to compromise it or break "Kayfabe". I do want to thank all those responsible for keeping this story going and for being the ones who are truly "exposing the business". Again, I am very sorry for this mistake on my part! I want to thank my family, the promoters, workers, and fans who have and continue to support me! I am currently at the half way point of my "Midget Time Farewell Tour" I wanted it to be memorable but I never imagined anything I would do would become this talked about!"

Bray Wyatt:

The little boy at Extreme Rules is the son of former WWE personality Jameson.

Terri Runnells interview:

On her current relationship with Goldust...

"Always massive respect and love based on the fact that we have a daughter together. Sometimes I wish his current wife would be comfortable in the fact that he is all hers where the husband wife thing is concerned. We have co-parented and communicated since 1999 w/o any major troubles. I think there might be a bit of a short leash there. That is his choice and he has to live with it. What matters is that we communicate for Dakota. We used to have a lot more fun and laughs though...I have to say that is a bit disappointing now that I think of it. "

On HOF induction...

"I sincerely believe there are SO many deserving older wrestlers that should be given the honor before me."

On what was going to happen later in the Brian Pillman feud...

"I was going to leave Dustin instead of finishing out the renewal of our vows after Brian "had" me for 30 days. Dustin was going to turn face and I would have become more of a heel."

Sadly this could not happen because he died very soon after joining WWE.

WWE fail:

TNA star Kenny King appears on an episode of Legends House, he was one of the dancers.

WWE star re-packaged:

WWE have changed Alexander Rusev's name, he will now be named ''Rusev''.

Los Matadores:

Primo and Epico say they came up with the idea of the bull fighter gimmicks, because they felt they were going stale under their old names.

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