Sunday, May 18, 2014

Today's News

WWE wedding:

CM Punk has announced he and AJ Lee will be getting married next month. He also revealed how he has been spending his time since leaving WWE. He says he has been playing NHL '94 on the Sega Genesis.

Batista talks poor relationship with fans:

"I'm just one of those people who never really cared about being cheered or booed. If they cheered me, it motivated me. If they booed me, it motivated me more. Fans saying I don't deserve it (2014 Royal Rumble win)... It's like they forgot the 10 or 12 years beforehand. I try to never be disrespectful. I left not because I wanted to leave but because I needed to achieve some things on my own without the WWE. To tell you the truth, I wish the crowd had been a little more supportive. When I come back to WWE, I'm with WWE."

Daniel Bryan:

Daniel Bryan has released a brief statement following his surgery...

"Thank you to all the people who have wished me well during my surgery. You give me strength and you are my motivation to get back ASAP."

Hulk Hogan:

Hulk Hogan is on his way to the UK for next weeks TV tapings.

European tour:

WWE have released the dates for the next European tour...

* November 5th in London at Wembley Arena
* November 6th in Cardiff
* November 6th in Dublin
* November 7th in Birmingham
* November 7th in Belfast
* November 8th in Manchester
* November 8th in Minehead
* November 9th in Nottingham
* November 9th in Leeds
* November 10th in Liverpool for RAW
* November 10th in Bourne­mouth
* November 11th in Liverpool for SmackDown
* November 11th in Brighton
* November 12th in Paris
* November 12th in Newcastle
* November 13th in Madrid
* November 13th in Glasgow
* November 14th in Milan
* November 14th in Braunschweigh
* November 15th in Boizano
* November 15th in Frankfurt

Both TV taping's will be in Liverpool, so I will see you there...

TNA stars to ROH:

Daniels and Kazarian will reunite their Tag Team for ROH in June.


WWE have settled their lawsuit with the WCW music man Jimmie Papa, and are now editing the Network event's to re-add the original themes. The issue started after WWE used WCW themes in a video game, without permission.

WWE Network:

WWE are looking at increasing the price of the Network in the wake of their financial crash this week. A single dollar increase could earn them an extra $7 Million per year.


WWE are planning something special for Adam Rose for next week Raw.

Ken Shamrock:

Ken Shamrock says WWE are no longer the dominant force in wrestling, and they will continue to crumble and decay, especially after Triple H takes full control...

"I think we've seen it now and I'm not saying anything mean or hurtful or anything, if people want me opinion I'm gonna give it to them and I'm not gonna sugar coat it, I'm just gonna tell 'em the truth, but If it keeps going the way it's going, I don't see the WWE being a powerhouse anymore. I see it falling, I see it crumbling down and the only thing people are going to be interested in is the history footage because I see it now. It's struggling now. Even though you're starting to see little things here and there, but it's just, to be able to consistently do what Vince McMahon did I'm just not sure we're ever gonna see that again."

He also went on to say he still wants to return for a run with the world title, hopes to one day get a HOF induction, and revealed he thought Owen Hart's accident was a work, even after the news of his death came through.

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