Sunday, May 25, 2014

Today's News


WWE are on their way home after wrapping the European tour last night.

WWE Magazine botches return:

WWE Magazine have inadvertently revealed that Chris Jericho will return for this years Money In The Bank. In a feature for next months issue they look at the greats of the MITB ladder match, and refer to Chris Jericho as an active talent throughout, including talking about his chances of winning the match at this years special, which is to take place on June 29.

Here is a taste of the article...

"Already with a Hall of Fame-worthy career, Jericho could still use a win at this event to make us forget about some lackluster recent returns to the ring, A contract cash-in would be just the thing he needs to net him a seventh World title also."

Buff Bagwell talks WWE release:

"I still don't know. But I can tell you the whole story of how I got fired. I walked into a room with Vince, Jim Ross and Johnny Ace and it took me five minutes to realize I was getting fired. I raised my hand and I said 'Are y'all firing me?' And Vince says, 'no Marc, we're not firing, you we're releasing you.' So I asked what the difference was and of course they had an answer for that too. He goes 'Well, if we release you we don't have to redo your contract when we bring you back in three months. If we fire you, we have to redo your contract'. So I told myself that I had to start shaking hands and smiling because it was over, so that's what I did. Trying not to cry, I grabbed my bags."

The Miz:

Miz flew out for the last couple of nights of the Euro tour, so should be back on TV in the next couple of weeks. He was away shooting the Marine 4.

Sin Cara:

The original Sin Cara has decided on a new ring name... El Misterioso, which translates as The Mysterious.

McMahon's praised:

Vince and Linda McMahon have been praised as ''Mega donors'' to the Republican party in the US.


TNA are considering bringing back the six sided ring. A poll on their Facebook asking fans which they prefer is in favour of the 4 sided ring, but not by much.

Michael Cole heat:

Michael Cole is in heat for the SmackDown spat with WWE cheif Vince McMahon. Kevin Dunn called him ''JR'' after a unpopular call during the Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio match.

Layla leaving WWE in 2014:

Layla told a reporter in the UK that she wants to be a part of the next series of Strictly Come Dancing, initially the reporter took it as her being in character, but she went on to say that she plans to move back home to the UK before the end of this year, and that she plans to stay in Britain after the move.

WWE TV deals:

Sport 1 have accused WWE of overplaying their hand, and over valuing their importance to Networks during their TV deal negotiations. They claim WWE are seen in the media as a cheap way to get good ratings.


WWE have added Kalisto to their site, just days before he challenges for the NXT Tag Team Titles at Takeover.

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