Sunday, May 4, 2014

Today's News


WWE have re worked their roster page this weekend, mostly the NXT division, giving the NXT stars a full roster profile, I have updated the NXT section of the site, with the new profile pictures and links. Also Billy Gunn, and Road Dogg have now been moved back onto the Alumni page after a few months on the active roster. Byron Saxton and Tom Phillips have both been moved onto the active roster from NXT. Bo Dallas and JoJo have gone the other way (Makes little sense Regarding Bo, he had been moved onto the full roster after appearing in the Rumble in 2013, and had remained there despite going back to NXT, now he is on his way to the main roster properly they transfer him back!!!, weird decision). Scott Armstrong has been removed as an official, with Marc Harris and Ryan Tran added to the referee roster.

As well as all of the changes, they have added a new star to NXT, Wesley Blake.

Benoit to WWE:

David Benoit says he can and will make it to WWE, telling any doubters that WWE themselves have assured him they can use the Benoit name to make him a star...

"For all you dirtsheets out there and all you fans, it was at a show in Edmonton, two years ago, I sat down in the production office, talking to one of the writers, they said 'Yup, we'll use the Benoit name again. We could do a lot with it.' There's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

Extreme Rules:

Tonight is Extreme Rules, and we may see the debut of two NXT stars, WWE have told Jason Jordan and Baron Corbin to attend the show.

Ric Flair:

WWE have offered to make Ric Flair a fully rostered talent (Although as a manager, not wrestler), but he has told them he needs to get his house in order, before he can go on the road full time.

Daniel Bryan:

WWE are already looking to end Daniel Bryan's run as champion, feeling he is not over as a top talent, and that it is the chant that is popular with fans, not him personally. Some very high up officials are reported to have said he peaked at WrestleMania, and has not been able to maintain that level of support since. They also criticised his attitude. Many top stars fight for their status, their results, their angle's, and their TV time, Daniel does not, he is not as aggressive with creative, and some think his lack of ego is a sign he does not want it as much as he could.

WWE are prepared to see how things go over the next few weeks, the hope is he can win the fans back, but if not they are looking at making other plans and want to be ready to go in a different direction.

Personal Note, To be fair to Daniel, he has been through some stuff since Mania, his Father died, his young fan Connor died, he had his wedding to Brie, and was given two weeks off after that to celebrate. Give the guy a chance.


Batista has reportedly told WWE he may stay around until Payback after all, and will decide within the next week.

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