Saturday, May 3, 2014

Today's News

Mason Ryan:

Mason Ryan has made his first comments since leaving WWE...

"After four great years with the WWE, as of today I am no longer with the company. I enjoyed every second of my time there, met some great people and got to entertain audiences all over the world! I am very thankful for the opportunity I was given, but now I move on to another chapter of my life. I'm going to work as hard and have the same hunger and attitude I always have, which is the desire to be the very best! This definitely isn't the end, in fact it's just a new beginning and I look forward to the future and all that it brings! I am still going to be wrestling, and I'm available for shows and conventions, please contact me at for any bookings. Thank you everyone for the support!"

Shawn Michaels:

More highlights from Shawn Michaels speaking tour...

* He did not want to work with Sensational Sherri, after the Rockers split, but was talked into it by Pat Patterson.

* He never liked his theme song, but Jimmy Hart is thrilled that he continued to use it for so long.

* He defended his over selling at SummerSlam 2005, saying he had done it before vs Diesel, and that time went over well. He was disappointed that the best of 3 matches planned between himself and Hogan was cancelled after his performance that night.

* He revealed he did not want Diesel or Sid as his bodyguard, and pushed for Mr. Hughes to get the gig.

* He spoke warmly about the Ultimate Warrior, and said he was glad he ended the Mania weekend on a positive note with him, and that the last thing he said to him was he thought he had a beautiful family.

* He said internet marks are the easiest to fool.

New Rock?:

The Rock's half Brother Curtis has started training with the Hart Family in Canada.


WWE are looking at cutting the gap in between taping's from 4 shows monthly to two shows fortnightly. They feel it will improve the production and performance. Currently they have to tape segments to fill the show up, or to deal with injuries that occur since a taping, or for where a talent is released before a match goes to air. They are also concerned by the crowd interaction, one saying that the fans are much less interested in the later show's taped on the day than they were at the start, citing crowd fatigue at the length of the taping as the issue.

Tough Enough:

WWE have confirmed Tough Enough will be different from past versions, and will be a reality show, rather than a competition, as it had been in the past.

John Cena:

Is the star of this weeks WWE Top 10.


WWE will follow the path they used to get the Ultimate Warrior back into the fold to get Goldberg to return. They plan to offer him a spot on the next video game, and would confirm that at SummerSlam. He would then be used to hype the game going in to it's release, later in the year, making appearances for the company to promote the game, before being brought in as a talent early in 2015, possibly at the Royal Rumble, leading into a match at Mania.


WWE will turn Sheamus heel after the upcoming European tour. WWE want to do it sooner, but feel the fans in Europe will cheer him any way, and want to push him to the top of the heel roster, so do not want him to be cheered.

Evan Bourne:

Evan Bourne is finally set to return to WWE, the plan is to put him with Tyson Kidd in a new tag team.


WWE have bought the Mid-Atlantic video library.

Batista leaving WWE:

Batista has refused to challenge for Daniel Bryan's WWE Title at Payback in June, and will instead leave WWE much earlier than planned to go off to promote his movie. The original time frame for his departure was late July, before returning in time for SummerSlam.

Batista told WWE, he had already tapped this year to a smaller man, and feels the planned defeat at June's PPV, would make him look weak before going off to be a super hero over the summer. He said that would diminish his movie role, and would also spoil his WWE return, feeling fans may not be as excited to see him come back, if he kept losing to what he sees as weaker opposition.

WWE will probably write him out at this Sunday's PPV, so expect an injury angle.

He is still expected back in time for SummerSlam.

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