Thursday, May 29, 2014

Today's News

TV host speaks out on Punk / AJ incident:

TV presenter Michelle Beadle has spoken about the backstage altercation with AJ Lee and CM Punk at Tribute To The Troops...

"I show up at Tribute to the Troops, I see him in the hallway, I say 'what up, f--kface', which is my very loving way of referring to my friends. I don't call my friends... I just... I'm an idiot. I call them all kinds of names, that's how you know I like you. He was alone in a hallway, he didn't really say anything. I was with P.R. from WWE and my assistant and we walked by. The next thing I know, she's in my face yelling at me and I honestly, I swear to you, thought it was a joke."

She also says the incident ruined her friendship with CM...

"Phil and I stopped being friends that day and I wish him the best of luck and that's it," said Beadle. "It's a bummer because I always respected him. I thought he was one of those cool guys that kind of didn't fall into a certain role and kind of did what he wanted but to watch all that happen and to have somebody tattle on me and have their girlfriend get in my face is a little pathetic. But it's okay, I've moved on."

She later added that she was not surprised he quit WWE, but hopes he comes back, because as a fan of the sport, she misses him.


This weeks Raw scored the lowest viewing figures for two years.

TNA problems:

TNA are really struggling to sell tickets for their New York Impact taping's, they are no where near selling the 800 seats.

WWE make TIME list:

3 WWE stars made a list of the top 100 internet stars, Hulk Hogan (17), John Cena (34), and Triple H (86).

Batista talks Rumble issues:

Batista has blamed a number of issues for his poor Royal Rumble showing. He says his trunks were too small, one of his boots broke as he was preparing for the match (He snapped the zipper), meaning he struggled with a loose boot, and he got lost in the back and almost missed his spot to come out, he said he could not find the curtain to the arena.

Dolph Ziggler:

Dolph Ziggler has thanked Jake The Snake for giving him a pep talk this week.

Rey Mysterio:

Despite not signing a new deal Rey Mysterio will be staying for another year. Vince McMahon has decided that he would renew his deal because he spent so much of his last deal on the injury table, he feels Rey owes them the time. The new deal will go until May of 2015. Rey is currently nursing a hand injury.


WWE are planning to use the Four Horsewomen of UFC fame in an angle at SummerSlam, probably involving Natalya, as she has been working with them recently. One of the group, Ronda Rousey, has teased interest in making the move into wrestling in the future.


It seems Christian is in the last year of his career. WWE are phasing him out as a character this year, as was planned before his injury spells of recent months. The roster are pushing for him to be retained as a trainer or producer after his active deal ends.

New gimmick and push for Tyson Kidd:

WWE's admiration for Tyson Kidd is about to pay off. He will be given a new look, that of a masked luchadore, and a push to go with it. The change is because WWE feel he has spent so long as an enhancement star that he would not be taken seriously as a top guy under the Tyson Kidd name. Tyson has already commissioned a mask.

The Undertaker:

The Undertaker is still banged up from his WrestleMania match. Some within WWE have criticised the streak ending, one insider saying Vince had made his mind up well before Mania, and the decision is still very unpopular, it is widely seen as the wrong call to have had Taker lose.

Vince Russo slams WWE:

Vince Russo has ranted at WWE. He feels John Cena using the word ''Bitch'' is a blatant contradiction of their PG ethos. His post was long winded, so I won't post it, but the gist of his argument is, they can't be all things to all men, by trying to be PG for the female and young fans, and going harder to keep male fans engaged, as they did with great success during the attitude era.

CM Punk:

CM Punk has confirmed he is retired, and ''It feels good''.

Von Erich's to TNA:

Kevin Von Erich and his sons will be at TNA Slammiversary. The two younger Von Erich's will work a tag team match.

Kevin has also announced that he is working on a movie of his family, telling the tragic story of his ill fated siblings he has written the screen play himself..

Brie Bella contemplates retirement:

"I'm fighting my baby fever so bad. My boots aren't ready to be hung up quite yet in the wrestling ring but they're getting pretty close. All my friends and cousins are having babies and it's hard not to want to join in on that."

Jim Ross:

Jim Ross has discussed his most embarrassing moment as a commentator for WWE...

"We had a couple of wardrobe malfunctions. We had a guy named Al Snow who forgot to wear undertrunks and got into a vertical suplex and was exposed on live TV. We knew the audience knew that we knew, but we couldn't go there. I remember we couldn't control our laughter."


El Local (Ricardo Rodriguez) has followed his tag team partner Kalisto onto WWE.Com, as they prepare for their NXT Tag Title shot at Takeover. He is also still recognised as Ricardo Rodriguez.

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