Monday, May 19, 2014

Today's News

Mick Foley:

Mick Foley says fans may be upset by his choice, but he has decided where his future lies, and he will make what he says could be an unpopular announcement on Tuesday...

"After giving the matter much thought, I have come to an important decision regarding my future. I know that not everyone will agree with, or support the decision, but I do hope the decision will be respected. I will make the announcement on Tuesday afternoon."

The second part of his promotion interview for GWF is in the sidebar...

Chris Sabin on returning to the indy's:

"I'm looking forward to this next chapter in my life. It's getting back to my roots since I started out in the independents. Professional wrestling is my passion. I'm trying to stay as busy as possible. I believe I can have a good match with anyone. It doesn't matter if they were on television the last 20 years or just an independent wrestler coming up through the ranks."

Lawler talks suing Vince:

Jerry Lawler has spoken of the lawsuit he filed against Vince McMahon and WWE (Then F) for use of the term ''King'' during Harley Race's time with the promotion in the late 80's...

"I filed a lawsuit when they ran a show in Jackson, Tennessee. I sued Vince McMahon and the WWE for trademark infringement, claiming I was the king of wrestling in the state of Tennessee. And I actually won the case. I think Vince really respected that. It didn't make him mad. I think he got a kick out of it."

Daniel Bryan:

Daniel Bryan may appear on Raw, but it will most likely be a via satellite or pre taped appearance, he will not be in the UK.

JR on Jeff Jarrett controversy:

Jim Ross has recalled the controversial moment in 1999 when Jeff Jarrett tried a ''Power Play'' to get more money. The incident happened at an In Your House show where Double J was booked to drop the IC title to Chyna, the match came after his WWE contract expired, and WWE were resigned to losing him, however they agreed a one night financial package with the wrestler, a very generous one, according to Jim Ross, for him to appear to drop the IC belt before leaving. When Jeff got to the show he refused to work the match unless they paid him more money. JR says he learned a lot from the experience, and would never let it happen again. He would just strip the departing talent of the belt.

Bob Holly blasts WWE Hall Of Fame:

"They try to make that Hall of Fame legitimate. But if you notice, to me it's politically driven. A dead giveaway is Hunter wanting all of his little buddies, his little circle first. He's taken care of all them. But the thing is, how can you put Lita in the Hall of Fame? Not saying she doesn't deserve to be there, but how can you put her in there before Chyna? Chyna is the first and only female Intercontinental champion and that's what drives me nuts because their trying to make this a legitimate hall of fame and it's obvious they pick and choose who they want in there. If this was pro football or basketball or anything else, Chyna would be in there."

The interviewer then mentioned her porn career, and drugs and alcohol abuse, to which he replied...

''You look at all the guys who had drug and alcohol problems and they get inducted, come on. She's done porn so what, who cares? The thing is, she gave a lot to the business and she was a big deal. I'm not defending anybody as to what they choose outside of the wrestling world, but what she gave to the wrestling world was really big."


Official tease...

Is the other shoe about to drop on The Shield?

Will Big E be caught off guard again by Rusev?

What's next between John Cena and Bray Wyatt?

Will this be the week Adam Rose goes at it with Jack Swagger?

Will Daniel Bryan's title reign continue?

They are also teasing big segments for Kane, and Adam Rose, the pre show will be taped in WWE HQ.

The show is taping as I write this, I won't do SPOILERS!!!... bar one, Stephanie McMahon says she wants Daniel Bryan to come to Raw next week, to vacate the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, so it looks as though he has been stripped.

TNA going PG:

TNA have released a statement that are making Xplosion a ''Family friendly show''. It will be a Saturday morning show aimed at kids.

WWE sign Indy star:

WWE have signed Californian Pro Wrestling Guerilla star Willy Mack to a developmental deal. Kevin Steen and Roderick Stong are expected to be offered deals in the coming weeks.

New old faction:

WWE are considering bringing back the Nation Of Domination as a faction. The group would consist of Big E, Kofi Kingston, R-Truth and Xavier Woods. Speculation is, as they have all fell victim to Rusev in recent weeks, the group will be founded to feud with the now Russian wrestler.


Rob Van Dam hurt his shoulder on Friday in Glasgow, but has continued to work the tour.

WWE financial crisis:

Vince McMahon held a conference call with shareholders today, but did not fly back to the US as expected. He chaired the meeting via mobile phone from London. Interesting points...

He says they were disappointed by the TV deals, but they did get close to what they were asking.

He said the core business, the actual wrestling events, are doing fine, and would only get stronger as they grow.

Another exec, George Barrios, then discussed the outlay on the Network launch, and how long it wold take to make the money back.

He went on to say they would make more than they do from TV deals and PPV sales when they hit 2.5 Million subscribers to the Network.

Vince acknowledged that the Network launch did have an effect on interest in their product, and hurt their TV deal negotiations.

He announced the deal just signed is for less than 5 years.

He said they are always open to discussion with other distributors, following negative comments from the likes of DISH, DirecTV, and Comcast.

They were asked about the management structure, and George Barrios, answered, this came after Vince started suffering tech issues, causing him to swear repeatedly. Barrios said the company were very happy with their management team.

They refused to give the current Network subscriber figures.

WWE take over UK Paper:

Hulk Hogan and Stephanie McMahon will be guest editors for tomorrow's Daily Mirror. Steph says it will be very special, and has a WWE theme.

Sheamus and Drew McIntyre took over Sky Sports News for a brief segment this afternoon, can't post the link, but it was a bit cringey. The pair read out the sports headlines before promoting tonight's Raw, but it was really awkward to watch, as they talked over each other and were clearly nervous and embarrassed throughout.

Kenta on WWE rumours:

"Right now, There is nothing that I can say at this time. I will announce my plans when the time is right for me to announce them."

Total Diva's:

Total Diva's has been recommissioned for a third season, and Rosa Mendes will join the cast.

Rumour Killer:

CM Punk is not in London. A picture of him in the UK, going around social media today is from 2012.

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