Thursday, May 1, 2014

Today's News


Goldberg has definite interest in working a WrestleMania match at next years 31st super show. He will confirm this on JR's podcast soon.


WWE are telling their stars to name their finishers because they are tired of having TM requests rejected. They are not allowed to copyright traditional wrestling holds names, so need to create individual ones to make them their own.

The Network will be rolled out internationally before the end of this year.

The promotion have delayed the announcement on their TV deals by at least another week.

NXT heat:

There is a real conflict in the WWE developmental system, Gerry Brisco has accused some trainers of running his recruits out of the PC, due to the WWE HQ's negative view of shooters, and legit workers.

Long night for Daniel Bryan:

WWE's booking issues continue. Daniel Bryan will wrestle in Osaka, Japan, and MSG in New York on July 12, according to WWE's own advertised appearances.

Bobby The Brain Heenan:

The Hall Of Famer's health continues to worsen, after over a decade of battling cancer, and a broken back from a horrible fall, he has now added a broken shoulder after falling out of bed earlier this week. His bones are brittle due to the cancer treatment he received, and is therefore more vulnerable to this kind of problem.

Thoughts with you Brain...

WWE business woes:

WWE have reported an $8 Million loss of revenue, this is down to the Network launch, they say. The 2014 PPV buys have also suffered a hit, Royal Rumble shed over 500 thousand views vs last year, while Elimination Chamber lost 183,000 based on data from the same period.

Extreme Rules:

Josh Matthews, Booker T, Alex Riley and Sheamus will be the pre / post show panel.

Short Sleeve Sampson will return to WWE as part of the pre show match. He has in the past portrayed parody wrestlers as a mini version of a top talent. He will come out of retirement for the appearance.


Kenta will work past his contract expiration with Pro Wrestling NOAH. He has promised to work a big show for them and a farewell event, he will then start a ''New chapter'' of his career. Speculation is that will be with WWE. WWE themselves played down the report's saying they had no news to share at the moment.

B. Brian Blair on Iron Sheik:

Former WWE star Brian Blair has discussed his long and fierce feud with Iron Sheik...

"It really started in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Sheik and I used to always take each other down, we could both wrestle, you know, and hook. In Hershey, he was messing around, and for some reason, he shot on me and took me down. He tried to ankle pick me and hurt my ankle, so I double wrist locked him and turned him around and he started screaming. Everybody saw that, you know, Volkoff, everybody saw him screaming like crazy, and I'm not letting go. I said, 'I'm not going to let go until you tap,' so he tapped and I think that was a blow to his ego and he never liked me after that."

He also talked about the horrific accident that almost killed Brutus The Barber...

"I was there, I remember it like it was yesterday. Beefcake knew exactly how to do what he was doing, he was even giving people instructions. Once you hook the parasail to your back, you've got to run on the beach as fast as you can, and then lift your knees up, then the sail picks you up. He made one mistake, all it takes is one mistake. For some reason, Beefcake turns to the left. She lifts her knees up and it was like a battering ram. That knee hit him right in the mouth, and he was down. I ran into the water, and I grabbed him. I pulled him up on to the shore. He was still conscious. I tapped him on his back and said, 'are you ok?' I was saying, 'open your mouth, open your mouth.' Then I realized, his whole face from the top of his nose down was fractured, and his front teeth were on top of his bottom teeth. He could not talk, he couldn't open them. He is really lucky to be alive."

CM Punk:

Some fans have noted that WWE have edited CM Punk off the PPV poster on the Network for some events, most notably last years SummerSlam.

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