Friday, May 16, 2014

Today's News

WWE TV deals:

WWE are staying with NBC. Triple H flew back from Rome, Italy to announce that they have signed a new multi year deal with the broadcaster. However SmackDown will not be going live, the statement released hypes the success of it's Friday night slot, so it seems that will continue, for the time being at least, despite WWE offering a live SmackDown as part of negotiations. WWE did not manage to double the fee they receive for the rights, as they hoped, and that has caused their stock to plunge in the wake of the news, down 20% overnight. 


WWE have not re-signed Sakamoto as yet, they may be waiting to seal the deal with Kenta before making an approach to the former NXT star.

Raw UK:

John Cena vs Luke Harper, and The Uso's vs The Rhodes Brothers will take place on next Monday's Raw.

European tour:

Sami Zayn has joined up with the mainland Europe leg of the current tour.

Alicia Fox is working the tour as a face.

Roman Reigns is still working the tour, so can not have suffered a concussion from his Friday night injury.

Rosa Mendes bust her nose on Friday night in Glasgow.

Adrian Neville worked in front of his home town, Newcastle, last night, and was red hot with the fans. Paige also went over huge at the same show.

Chris Hero launches new project:

Chris Hero has launched a new project to help guide the career's of new talent. He will offer local wrestlers, and stars fresh out of wrestling school the chance to join his agency, where his team will provide the opportunity to work outside of their local area, and internationally to increase their profile. He will also offer lessons to improve their presentation, including promo classes, match critiques, the chance to work with ring veterans, advice on creating the right look, and character development. Also he will offer the chance to learn professional etiquette, teaching young stars the do's and don'ts of the wrestling world, hoping to avoid talent ruining their chances by stepping on toes, or causing offense.

WWE sign top international wrestler:

Prince Devitt is a WWE man. He will join up with NXT as soon as he has his US work permit.

The promotion have also signed a Wild Samoan Afa trained talent, named Noah Sekoa.

NXT Takeover:

The current card is...

  • Adrian Neville vs Tyson Kidd... (NXT Title)...
  • Charlotte vs Natalya or Sasha Banks... (NXT Diva's Title)...
  • The Ascension vs Kalisto & El Local (Ricardo Rodriguez)... (NXT Tag Team Titles)...

Adam Rose:

WWE have botched Adam Rose's character, their website has him hailing from the Bahama's, but he has been announced as from England since debuting on the main roster.


Takashi Sugiura has told Tokyo Sport that Kenta has agreed to join WWE, and will start with NXT in the Summer. No official word from WWE or the Japanese wrestler himself as yet.

Backstage tension in WWE:

Triple H is being put into an impossible position by Vince McMahon taking more control backstage, and creatively. Talent have now become used to approaching Triple H with their idea's, and have up until quite recently, had the yes or no from him without issue. But since WrestleMania, Vince has wanted to know what is going on, and he is frustrating many by telling Triple H where he wants angles to go, then changing his mind, and having Hunter tell them the change of plans. This could be undermining Triple H's status with the roster, however word is, the frustration is with McMahon, not Hunter, and the roster are firmly of the belief he is on their side, and is as angry as they are about the lack of clear direction coming from Vince.

Daniel Bryan:

Daniel Bryan has been removed from all his advertised dates.

WWE good deed:

Titus O'Neill visited a 3 year old youngster named Logan Larabee, who is fighting cancer before flying out to the European tour. Sadly hours after the visit Logan died. Titus, told John Cena that he was his favourite wrestler, and Cena took the time to telephone the youngster's Father to offer his personal condolences to the family.

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