Thursday, March 21, 2013

Today's News

Jimmy Uso:

The son of WWE great Rikishi has instructed his lawyers to release a statement clarifying the status of his recent arrest, he says he was not arrested for a second DUI, but he breached the rules of his previous arrest, driving sooner than he should have done...

''Please accept this correspondence as a notice of correction as it relates to the recent arrest of Jonathon Fatu. As many of you have reported Mr. Fatu was charged with a DUI in 2012. He plead No Contest to said charge and was placed on probation. He completed the terms and conditions of his probation as directed by the Court. While waiting for the termination of said probation to take effect, he was erroneously cited for driving on a suspended license and an affidavit of violation of probation was filed. This most recent "arrest" derived from Mr. Fatu turning himself in to the Hillsborough County Jail allowing for the warrant to be set aside. This arrest was not a second DUI as is being falsely reported. We are extremely confident that once we get on the Court's docket, Mr. Fatu's probation will be terminated and the citation for driving on a suspended license will be dismissed.''

This is probably a last ditch attempt to keep his WWE job, not just for himself, but also for his Twin Brother Jey, WWE were looking at cutting them loose earlier this week.

Chris Masters update:

Chris Masters heroism (See yesterday) has gotten main stream media attention, in an interview with TMZ he told the full story of what happened to his Mother.

His Mother's neighbour (Unnamed) broke into her house in the wee small hours of the morning, and began to barricade himself into her home, shouting to onlookers that if any one attempted to enter the property he would set the house ablaze, he would also do the same if the Police were called. Master's Mum managed to contact her Brother (Masters Uncle) at some point, and he called Chris, who lived closer. When Masters arrived the bad guy wouldn't let him in and made the same threats, so, despite the warnings Chris phoned the cops, he then ripped a tree from the ground and began to smash the closest window he could reach, he gained access to the house, which at this point was on fire, fought the guy off and eventually found and rescued his Mother. The guy was arrested after the fire was controlled.

WWE to scrap PPV's:

In an effort to convince fans to subscribe to the WWE network, the company have announced the channel will air their monthly super shows for free on the network, meaning fans could save money if they sign up, however they say they would need 1,000,000 subscribers to break even, so would be looking at getting 3,000,000 - 4,000,000 subscribers before starting this.

Maria Kanellis:

The WWE Alum has rejected the rumours she is to induct Bob Backund into the HOF this year, apparently it was a mis-communication in an internal discussion, Maria Menounos is still planned to do the gig.

Also on Maria, an offer for a return to the WWE main roster was stopped by the Diva's locker room, they demanded the contract was rescinded due to her not being popular in the locker room, she has many enemies, she says. She does like to tell dirty secrets on her TV show After Buzz, that may have something to do with it.

Normally the diva's would not have any stroke regarding such issues, but WWE are so desperately short of female talent, it seems they gave in to the demands this time.

Hogan begs Vince to sign Sting:

In a recent interview Hulk Hogan has claimed he begged with Vince McMahon to sign Sting post WrestleMania 3, because He (Hulk) felt Sting would do a better job as the face of the company than he could, but Sting would not join, he also revealed Sting met with Vince McMahon last year for contract talks...

"I have unbelievable respect for Sting - he doesn't realise how good he really is," Hogan told FSM. "Sting should have already had his New York (WWE) run. I'll tell you something; when I got red-hot after WrestleMania III, I was begging Vince to get Sting in the WWF so I could turn heel at some point. He had the blond hair, he was 10 times more athletic than me, and I believed this guy could have the same run as Hulkamania, but take it 10 times bigger. I was telling Vince (McMahon), 'Let me get this guy over', because after beating Andre, if they'd brought Sting in and had him beat me, it would have made him this tall. But Sting wouldn't come; we tried and tried, but he just would not jump. Vince even talked to him last year, but still Sting wouldn't go."


Tyson Kidd has started his physical therapy following his knee injury.

Sin Cara is off the road, and will probably miss Mania following a concussion in a match vs Jack Swagger on Raw a couple of weeks back, he has been off lives since, but after undergoing Impact testing before SmackDown this week, he has not been cleared to compete.

WrestleMania issues:

WWE are having issues fitting all of their features into the Izod center for the Fan Axxess events, usually they have outside festivities, but this year everything will be indoors, causing issues over available space.

Jake's goodbye:

Jake The Snake has announced his farewell tour will begin on April 13 in Virginia.

WWE signings:

WWE have signed a Mexican Mini wrestler to a developmental deal, and Ex TNA star Hamada is interested in joining the company. They have also invited ex NFL player Quinn Ojinnaka to a tryout camp.

HHH vs Brock:

Shawn Michaels is expected to be announced as Triple H's corner man for Mania at some point in the coming weeks.

Bruno Sammartino:

WWE pulled a special appearance for Bruno Sammartino on this weeks Raw, he is from Pittsburgh, but WWE decided to keep his return on ice until Mania, they did not even ask him to the show in a backstage role, because they were concerned talent would tweet pics of him.

Kofi Kingston push:

The planned heel turn for Kofi is to give him a top level push (About time), they feel the way he is booked as a face means he will never get over at the top. They hope for a repeat of what they achieved with Mark Henry with his heel turn leading to a successful World Title run.

Hopefully it will work out for him.

HHH changes NXT:

In a great move by Triple H, he has told trainers at NXT to stop writing promo's for the developmental stars, and to start doing them old school style, basically switch on a camera and start to talk. This way the stars that can't talk will be weeded out (they were disappointed with Brad Maddox fluffing a promo on Raw last week for example).

WWE ethos shift:

WWE want to make their product something Mother's will sit down and watch with their Children, and are recruiting people with lots of experience in kids TV to help with the move into a more family friendly direction.

New WWE Alumni:

For the second consecutive week WWE have added a current TNA star to their Alumni page, this time Kurt Angle.

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