Monday, March 4, 2013

Today's News

Chris Jericho reveals backstage praise:

"I got into the Rumble, and people were chanting, 'you still got it.' And I'm like, I never lost it.' Whenever Fozzy plays, we put on a very intense show. A lot of energy, a lot of ya know, jumping and running. But when you get into the ring it's a different story. And It's funny, because when I heard I was in the Rumble for 47 minutes and 53 seconds, and I was like, 'Wow, is it really that long?'. Mr. McMahon even asked me like after he said, 'you did a great job, but not working in awhile, I mean how did you stay in ring shape?' And I was like, 'I don't know.' And then even on Raw, my first single match was like 18 minutes against CM Punk. Same thing. It's like I guess just when you've been doing it long enough it just gets ingrained into your body and it's just more instinct than anything."

Fifth arrest for WCW star:

Dirty Dick Slater failed to appear in court on a theft charge in Tampa, Florida, he is being held on a $2,000 bond.


Tonight is Oldskool night on Raw, Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase, Mae Young, Sgt Slaughter and Honky Tonk Man have been confirmed to appear, and the TV return of the New Age Outlaws is also booked, they will probably face Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow. It will be their first WWE TV match since 2000.

Brooklyn Brawler has just tweeted he has arrived at the arena.

Official tease...

* What "Old School" surprises await?

* What happens when Triple H and The Rock return?

* What will Zeb Colter say next?

* Will The Shield strike back against Randy Orton?

* With just a month until WrestleMania, where does CM Punk go from here?

Koloff to HOF:

Ivan Koloff has asked his fans to petition WWE to induct him into this years Hall Of Fame, yesterday he was asking fans to petition WWE to allow him to induct Bruno, he now says he thinks Arnold Schwarzenegger is a good choice to fulfill the role.

Kurt Angle on where he stands among the greats:

"By my third year wrestling, I was already being pegged as the best in the business. And then by my fifth year it was could he be the greatest of all time? And I can't compare myself to Ric Flair or Shawn Michaels or Bret Hart or Triple H. Guys that have given 20, 30, 35 years when ya know, here I was, my fifth year in the business and people are already saying could he be the greatest ever? Here I am in my 13th year, and I still think it's relatively too early (to say that). People are going to think what they want to think, and say what they want to say. Everybody has their favorites. I might be somebody's favorite, Shawn Michaels might be somebody else's favorite, and Triple H might be somebody else's favorite. But, to be considered with those guys makes me very proud."

Bret Hart launches scathing attack on TNA:

In the latest edition of Bret Hart's UK interview with WrestleTalk TV Bret Hart has gone after TNA in a big way, he started with Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff...

"I've got no faith in either one of them,. If anything, they're [TNA] going to lose a lot of ground. They're spending a fortune on a guy who's worthless. And Bischoff's as worthless as Hogan, the two of them have zero to offer the business. The only thing Hulk Hogan ever knew was how to make Hulk Hogan. He couldn't tell you how to make AJ Styles or Samoa Joe. What's Hulk Hogan going to tell Samoa Joe? He doesn't know anything to even tell him, he's got zero to offer."

He followed up with an attack on Vince Russo, saying he was a ''Magazine writer''.

He then accused AJ Styles of wasting his career with TNA and told him to sign with WWE if he wants to remembered as the star he is...

"If he really wants to make it as the star that he is, he needs to jump the bush league and get to the big time... There's a lot of talent out there that miss their opportunities, and I just hope that AJ Styles doesn't waste his life in TNA."

CM Punk meets fan:

Video of CM Punk meeting the fan that was shot in the eye in January has been released by a local network, unfortunately Mr. Dotterer took ill and was re-admitted to hospital so could not attend the WWE event at Punk's invite, so Punk went to the hospital to meet him instead.

Change of heart for Linda:

Linda McMahon is making preparations for a congress run in 2014, it had been thought she would give up on politics after failing to be elected for the second time last year.

Bruno Sammartino:

Bruno Sammartino has used his new Twitter account to confirm WWE are planning to make his book into a movie, probably as a documentary style DVD.

Yoshi Tatsu trying to save his WWE career:

Japanese star Tatsu has started to undergo English language lessons hoping it will secure his employment with WWE.

Jerry Lawler:

The King told fans at a local wrestling event this weekend that he is still waiting for clearance to return to the ring, but that his employers WWE do not want him in the ring even if he gets it.

WrestleMania 31 / 32:

WWE have asked 5 cities to bid for WrestleMania for the next two years, the list has been confirmed today, bids must be in by March 15, and the cities will be chosen in June...

* Atlanta, Georgia

* Detroit, Michigan

* Orlando, Florida

* Miami, Florida

* Tampa, Florida

TNA star getting tryout tonight:

Thea (Rosita) Trinidad is in Buffalo NY tonight for a WWE tryout, She recently left TNA after her contract expired.

WWE name new PPV:

June will have a new PPV, today it has been named... Payback.

Rey Mysterio:

Rey Mysterio has contradicted the WWE line he is taking time away for Family reasons by tweeting he will see doctors for a possible ACL tear, he says he has not felt right since he got back in the ring last summer.

Possible SPOILER!!!:

The Undertaker is expected to be back on WWE TV tonight, a possible clue to confirming that is He has been featured all week on WWE.Com, and today is the featured star on their Mobile Phone App.

In a bigger clue, a fan has tweeted a pic of him arriving at Buffalo's airport (Since removed, probably at the request of WWE)...

Zack Ryder talks to Arda Ocal:

Zack Ryder says he is at a ''Low point'' in his career, and feels he may need to change his character, to get more serious, if he wants to get back on track with WWE...

"I'm at a low point. That's not necessarily a bad thing, because there's only one place to go and that's up. The Z True Long Island Story paved my career, it re-invented Zack Ryder, but that time has come and gone. Last year, 2011, I ended it as the United States Champion. I had my first WrestleMania match at WrestleMania 28. Now this year at WrestleMania 29, not on the show, not really doing much. That's why I really need this low point to really fuel me to come up with something new. Maybe it won't be as big or as phenomenal as Z True Long Island Story, but there will be something that just works and clicks to the audience, something that gets me to that next level. So I don't think that it's necessarily a bad thing that I'm at a low point; I just think it's a little break before I get even higher. "

The Miz on HOF:

Mike ''The Miz'' Mizanin was asked who is the most deserving star not in the Hall Of Fame, he replied...

"Randy 'Macho Man' Savage. Ooooooooh yeahhhh!"

Legendary team splits:

Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff will have their last ever appearance together this weekend.


Johnny Curtis has had his old profile deleted from WWE.Com today, and it has been replaced with his new character Fandango.

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