Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Today's News

Heel turns:

Expect Randy Orton to turn heel at WrestleMania, it was already thought this would happen, but more details are now emerging, it seems he may join up with The Shield during the match.

Another Major Heel Turn coming in the near future is fan favourite Kofi Kingston, hopefully it will get him out of the rut WWE have him in right now.

Women's planned Mania match changed:

WWE have revealed they planned a 10 Diva's tag team match at WrestleMania, in a now vs then format 5 currently rostered ladies were to team up to take on 5 former stars, Brie Bella, Kelly Kelly, Maria Kanellis, Maryse and Nikki Bella but for one of the ladies not named by WWE (Kelly Kelly), the WrestleMania payday was not enough, she wanted the rights to her ring name to be signed over to her, so she can use it independent of WWE, the company did not go for it, they protect their TM's fiercely, so the match was nixed. Future Hall Of Famer Trish Stratus was to be involved, either as a manager or referee this has been in the pipeline for months, but it is now officially dropped. WWE were hoping on getting some of the women to re-sign following the match, so far only The Bella's have done so.

The new plan is an 8 Diva Tag with The Bella's, Layla, and Tamina Snuka vs Kaitlyn, Cameron, Naomi, and for the second year in a row TV star Maria Menounos will compete at the show, although this is penciled in very finely, the Diva's may end up being used in a different role, and may not have a match, or be shoved onto the pre-show.

Want to chat With a rattlesnake?:

Stone Cold Steve Austin is launching a weekly podcast, and he wants your questions, you can ask him questions or tweet them with the hashtag#SAS.

Flair fail:

Ric Flair has just thrown away $15,000. He accused Wrestlecon of inventing a booking for him on WrestleMania Sunday, and said he would not go, WrestleCon have today confirmed he is booked, the booking was made through his new partner Fifi The Maid, after his outburst yesterday however WrestleCon are now thought to have axed the offer... Woops.

Triple H:

Triple H's buddies Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels have shared very different opinions on him putting his career on the line at WrestleMania, Flair suggests HHH is too young to retire, and he would hate to give it up, Shawn however says he is very content at the moment and is exited by the challenges he faces in his new role as the WWE COO.

UFC star attacks Vince McMahon:

Closet WWE fan Chael Sonnen has weighed in on the proposed fight between Vince McMahon and UFC boss Dana White, saying if Vince wanted to die, he should jump off a bridge, he also had a pop at WWE. Although he is a fan meaning this was probably meant in fun, Vince did ban his friend CM Punk from being his corner man in a UFC match last summer at the very last minute, so maybe a little bad blood remains. He tweeted...

"There's easier ways to commit suicide, Vincie-boy. Aren't you about 45 minutes from the George Washington Bridge? @wwe," Sonnen wrote. "Reason your guys work in a ring and not an octagon is because nobody on your roster can count to 8, you DOPE. Just because your teeth are fake that don't mean they can't get PUNCHED OUT, y'big mark! Itd be entertaining to see Dana sweep him under the rug. He could use the one on top of Vince's head. You'd be so punch drunk against Dana even your straight edge Champion @cmpunk will feel tipsy. Ill help you out and tag along because you can't spell box office without S-O-N-N-E-N. how bout it? Vince w/ Punk vs Dana w/ Chael P?"

Chael also appeared on a UFC show and continued to rip on Vince...

Speaking of Chael, here he is in an interview from last year, doing his best Stone Cold Steve Austin impression (It's funny).

TNA releases:

TNA have announced they will fire all of the staff that work in the Impact Zone, some were offered the chance to stay on the payroll but decided to reject the offer for various reasons, such as not wanting to go on the road. Most staff that worked on Impact were on Part Time deals, so it would be a huge step from a PT job to committing to going on the road around the country full time.


The last of this years Pre taped PPV's are now done...

World Heavyweight Title Tournament...

* Samoa Joe vs Jeff Hardy.

* Mr. Anderson vs James Storm.

* Austin Aries vs Kurt Angle.

* James Storm vs Bully Ray.

* Bobby Roode vs Sting.

* Samoa Joe vs Austin Aries.

* Bobby Roode vs James Storm.

* Bobby Roode vs Samoa Joe.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Miz TV with Randy Orton, Sheamus, Big Show

* Mark Henry vs Zack Ryder

* Booker T Hall Of Fame video airs

* Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston

* Chris Jericho vs Jack Swagger


Fandango attacked Chris Jericho after the match to build their feud, Jericho was left in the ring with 4 referee's while WWE played a couple of video packages, not sure if it was a legit injury, as there is no word from WWE, but SD is not taped live so they could have shut the camera's off to deal with the issue, they chose instead to play video's on the tron while Jericho was attended to, he has since tweeted that he is beat up, but did not specify an injury.

* Brodus Clay & Tensai vs Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow

* Antonio Cesaro vs The Miz

* Big Show, Randy Orton & Sheamus vs 3MB

After the camera's stopped Show left the arena, to be replaced by Ryback for a 6 man tag vs The Shield in a dark match.

Rock vs Brock:

The current plan is for HHH to win at Mania vs Brock to gain revenge for SummerSlam, but some feel if they are going to have Brock main event next year's Mania then he should not do the job, meaning HHH would have to retire. WWE plan on a subtle angle to start the Rock vs Brock feud at or the night after WresteMania, not enough to get fans looking forward to the bout too soon, but enough that fans know something is coming down the road.

Rey Mysterio:

More on WWE and Rey working on his release has emerged. A frustrated WWE source says Rey is the one wanting the release and WWE are desperately fighting to keep him, even on a legends deal or in an ambassadorial role, but it seems they are coming ever closer to throwing in the towel, they are adamant that they intend to keep the marketing rights however, meaning Rey would lose his name and likeness rights, which is obviously something Rey does not want to happen, as he has competed under the name for the majority of his career.

Great concept Raw planned:

WWE plan on a WrestleMania rewind edition of Raw, to be aired some time between now and Mania, they will bring back stars of the past to relive Mania matches of prior events, sounds good to me... Warrior vs Hogan please.

Booker T:

Stevie Ray has confirmed he will be in attendance for his Tag Partner's HOF induction, but says WWE never called to offer him induction for the team Harlem Heat, so it seems Booker made the call to reject the induction without asking Stevie.

WWE Alumni forced to save his Mother from attempted murder:

Chris Masters had to rush to the home of his Mother during the early hours of this morning, an assailant had barricaded her into her home and set the house ablaze, Masters had to smash the windows with a large tree branch and climb inside he rescued his Mother and says the bad guy took some hits too.

The Police arrested him, and Masters took his Mother home to his residence for her to rest. (Pics).

The Rock:

Is there any movie The Rock does not want to be in???

He says he wants to be in the next Bond Movie, as a bad guy, adding that he wants to follow in the footsteps of his Grand Father who starred opposite Sean Connery in You Only Live Twice.

EX WWE Diva to induct Backlund:

Her chances of a Mania match may have been scuppered by the greed of others, but Maria Kanellis will still have a part to play, she is currently listed to induct Bob Backlund into the HOF.

Bruno wants friend inducted:

WWE are currently working on inducting Dominic DeNucci into the Hall Of Fame this year, he is great friends with Bruno Sammartino, who is apparently very much behind it, and the man that trained Mick Foley, he is also a multiple time tag team champion.

CM Punk:

WWE say CM Punk injured his arm, it is now reported the injury he is suffering is a knee or hip issue, and that is why he is not working lives.

CM Punk will disappear from your TV screens post WrestleMania to recover from all the niggles he has picked over the past year - year and a half. He will wrestle the post Mania European tour before he goes off the road, WWE are said to want to protect their investment in him, and feel he deserves the break after carrying the company for over a year.

WWE Diva search contestant:

Jenn Sterger one of the 10 women to be involved in the upcoming diva search hit the news in 2010 when NFL star Brett Favre sent her explicit pictures and voicemails.

Zeb Colter:

Regardless of what happens with Jack Swagger, WWE plan on keeping Zeb on the roster and have also offered him a backstage role, to keep him employed in some capacity.

Superstar Billy Graham:

Billy Graham is back in the gym following his recent health issues, here is a video of his Doctor's talking about his recovery...

Scott Hall surgery date booked:

Scott Hall says he will go under the knife for his hip replacement on April 9.

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