Thursday, March 28, 2013

Today's News

Elijah Burke talks WrestleMania:

"I went up to the Undertaker in the locker room… and was so taken back and in such awe about what was about to go down, I just had to thank him... While I was talking to 'Taker, I couldn't do nothing but bust into tears like a little 15-year-old girl meeting Justin Bieber… and 'Taker grabbed me and said 'this was it is about… we love to see this… enjoy the moment.' I'll never forget it… Tears rolling down my eyes, he said that this lets me know that you want it."

He also revealed why he left WWE...

"Creative changes – that's exactly what is was. You could be the most talented guy in the world, and the greatest self-promoter (look at Zack Ryder), but if there is someone who has a pen or pencil in higher places that does not recommended you or are not pulling against you, they have the power of persuasion that can work against you."

Robbie E. signs new deal:

He says he has signed a 1 year contract extension.

Kofi Kingston talks heel turn:

"It's really funny, because I guess there's a rumor on the Internet right now 'ah, Kofi's turning heel" and I'm like whoa, I am? Which is like, I don't know. I'm always the last one to find these things out, but like I said, I'm very confident as a performer and if that's the case I'm sure I'll knock it out of the park. I'm fine with that. Who knows? I don't even speculate. I don't know what's going to happen tonight. So for me to think ahead, about what's going to happen way down the line, I mean who knows. It's really up to the fans, to be honest. If I come out, and the WWE Universe all of a sudden starts booing me, and then all of a sudden they don't like me, therefore I'm a bad guy. I'd have to reciprocate off of that. I don't know, I guess we'll wait and see what happens."

CM Punk Interview:

On The Undertaker Match...

"Everyone's expecting me to try and top the Shawn Michaels matches. That's not my goal. My goal is to make it the best that the situation allows me to make it. There's a chance that it could be better than those matches, but that's not my goal. This isn't one of those work rate matches. I like my pro wrestling when people are pissed off and angry. I don't like it when it's two dudes going out there to wrestle. I made him [Undertaker] mad. I got under his skin. I made it personal, and it's hopefully going to be emotional and psychological."

On making others look good...

"I think it's a curse. I think if you have the ability to make whoever you're in the ring with look better than they are, to enhance certain aspects of their game, I think a lot of times it's more of a curse."

On being cheered as the bad guy...

"I think pro wrestling fans, as a whole, are just super passionate. When there's a guy whose been on TV non stop, that's their guy, or however it is. They're used to seeing him. They like that guy. I think they'll back him no matter what."

On his WWE Title run...

"I wanted to do a lot of things. I knew what the endgame was, and I knew I had a shot at being a good guy and I had a shot at being a bad guy. I really wanted to see if I could go from being most loved to most hated. That was my primary goal. Obviously putting asses in seats and drawing money and all that. But from a character aspect, I wanted to kind of evolve CM Punk. I almost wanted to make the fans hypocrites. They cheer everything I do for six months, and then I don't change a single thing I do, and they boo everything I do. It's almost like a sociological experiment."

On wanting to retire early...

"I don't want to be a lifer. I don't want to do anything, but I get bored easy. So I'm like what the next hill to climb, what's the next mountain to conquer?"

Ryder gets Mania match:

Well sort of... He says he will face Michael McGillicutty at Fan Axxess on Thursday's card.

Ryback talks WrestleMania:

"WrestleMania is the biggest event of the year for us. It's something you've got to see in person to see how magnificent it is. It's the culmination of a year of hard work. You've got the biggest matches and angles going into one night. It's a lot of fun –– a lot of excitement. You pack in anywhere from 50, 60, 70,000 people in an outside arena and it's just something you've got to see."

Jeff Jarrett:

Questions are being asked regarding Jeff Jarrett's TNA status after he did not compete at the nostalgia PPV's, it is believed Eric Bischoff and Brother Love do not want Jarrett back as a talent, and to prove how strong they feel in that regard he was not asked back for the One Night Only PPV's. He was last on TNA TV in 2011.

Hogan vs Flair:

A promoter hoping to arrange a dream match offered Hulk Hogan $35,000 dollars to face Ric Flair, he accepted, before changing his mind and asking for $50,000, Ric However turned the gig down flat because it was to be held in a high school.

Alberto Del Rio:

WWE hope to make Alberto a legendary babyface, achieving the levels of Eddie Guerrero. They are looking to hire a hispanic writer specifically to work on his future stories.

In a possible SPOILER!!! a creative leak has suggested that Dolph Ziggler will cash in his MITB case to pick the bones of the ADR vs Jack Swagger WrestleMania match.

Chris Jericho admits disappointment with his WrestleMania opponent:

When Y2J returned the plan was for him to turn heel and feud with Ryback at Mania, the plans changed very last minute and he was then told he would be in a mixed tag, before WWE finally settled on Fandango as his opponent, he says he was disappointed by the change but is still excited to perform at the Super Show, because at 42 he wants to have as many memorable moments as he can get before he hangs them up, which he is not yet ready to do, he insists.

Bruno The Movie:

WWE are in talks with the makers of the Bruno Sammartino movie, they are offering to Produce and fund the project through their movie wing WWE Studios.

CM Punk's WWE status:

Wrestling journalists are questioning the WWE line on CM Punk, and are wondering if his injury is worse than they are admitting, it is reported that a deny at all costs ethos has become very apparent whenever any one from the company is quizzed on Punk, and other stories such as the creative feud Punk is allegedly involved in seem to be getting leaked onto the net to distract from the real issues he is having.

Rock and Brock:

WWE have confirmed The Rock and Brock Lesnar will both perform at Extreme Rules in May, but have shot down internet speculation that that means they are facing each other, they will both continue their own story line paths.

WWE losing money:

WWE are losing money on the WWE Hall Of Fame, they wanted to use Madison Square Garden for this years Hall Of Fame ceremony, even before the idea of inducting Bruno Sammartino came to fruition, but they concede they cannot make back the money they are laying out on the event, the arena is too small to earn the money back in ticket sales and TV's only want a 1 hour highlights package to air, not wanting to pay top dollar for the rights to air the whole event, especially with the high price they pay for the Mania rights.

Honky Tonk Man pulling for Jannetty:

Marty Jannetty's injured ankles are again causing concern for his friends, The Honky Tonk Man is asking any one who will listen to help fund the surgery Marty desperately needs...

"Just talked to Marty Jannetty. I saw his ankle. Needs surgery ASAP. To proud to ask for help.. A real man in need. Can we help?"

Rap group dropped:

Plans to have the Three 6 Mafia perform Mark Henry's theme at WrestleMania have been scrapped.

WWE have instead booked Sean (P Puff Diddy Daddy, IDK what he is calling himself now) Coombs.

Kevin Nash talks WrestleMania:

"The first Wrestlemania I was involved with was the Michaels/Hall ladder match, when I was Shawn's bodyguard. I still think that was one of the greatest matches of all time. A year later, me and Shawn were headlining. And then I co-headlined with 'Taker the next year. I was involved with some great moments in the early-to-mid-90s."

TNA Impact teaser:

* The return of Open Fight Night.

* Jeff Hardy will be appearing and calling out a member against Aces & Eights.

* TNA is teasing whether AJ Styles will appear tonight and call out someone during Open Fight Night.

* TNA is also teasing whether Sting will appear tonight.

Great news for UK fans:

The Undertaker has confirmed he will be on the post WrestleMania European tour, and will compete at the O2... This has got to be one of the last times he will compete internationally, so I will see you there... 

It will be his first trip to the UK for 4 years.

X-Pac on his injury:

"The video doesnt do justice to the severity of the situation. the turnbuckle wasnt covered & my landing should have been 45 degrees. I ended up landing hard & horizontal. The turnbuckle ripped me another new a hole. I kew it right away, U can see me tell ref 'tore my ass!'... I ewent to after party brieflly, but had to leave as blood starting gushing. Hotel looked like a murder scene. So much blood... Im typing in the dark. sorry for typos. Hotel security called ambulance & Dr Morken @ HCMC performed sphincterplasty to save me from having to have a colostomy bag. It hard not to laugh. So feel free to find it humorous. I did almost bleed out, before ambulance got there. I did the x factor from the top rope & 1 through a table after it happened. My concern was Jery getting the proper send off, Not my butthole. Brighter side of things. will start taking applications for my school. Beginners need to be in shape. Those with prior experience, that want to learn wwe main event style is what Im focusing on. If u were already trained by someone who has no business training people or you feel you werent trained right. Its extra work to break your bad habits, but I'll consider it. More info to come & very limited amount of ppl will be accepted. I will not take your money if you dont have what it takes."

He went on to thank fans for their messages, and jokes about the incident...

"Thank u everyone for the kind wishes & some funny 1 liners Im sure were hard to pass up. If u cant laugh at yourself, who can u laugh at?''.

Trish on hearing about HOF induction:

"It was the end of 2012. I was home. I got a call and was told the news. It was a little bit of a shock, because I feel like I just wrestled yesterday. I'm just super honored. It's exciting, because when I heard about the class and everyone else being inducted, I was just so thrilled and honored to be in the same class. I never thought I would get in, and just to know that I'm accepted, I'm going to be a fan just getting my pictures with everyone."

She also said that Mickie James is her favourite WrestleMania opponent.

New Alumni:

For the third consecutive week, WWE have added an active TNA star to their Alumni page, this week in a rare move it is one of the women, Victoria (Tara).

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