Saturday, March 2, 2013

Today's News

Jerry Lawler recalls feud with Randy Savage:

In an interview with WWE.Com, Jerry Lawler has discussed his personal rivalry with Macho Man Randy Savage.

Kharma on WWE:

WWE Alum Kharma has discussed the issues with the WWE women's division...

"After seeing how excited people were over the feud between Gail and I, my next goal was to build up to a great feud with Beth Phoenix," Stevens said. "Fans were already excited for that match and it hadn't even happened yet; it hadn't even been alluded to. I always say and I still say, as long as Beth and I are still breathing it still may happen, so fans don't lose hope. There were also lots of people that wanted to see me get my revenge on the Bella Twins but they have ended up leaving as well."

She also opened the door to a possible return at some time in the future...

"People leave and people come back, I left you never know I may be back," said Stevens. "Look at Ryback he was in WWE once before and now he's back and wants people to feed him more, it's exciting! My god daughter goes crazy when he comes on the television, it's insane so I have to mimic him sometimes."

WWE list WrestleMania's 5 greatest re-matches:

5) Bret Hitman Hart vs Yokozuna (10)

4) Edge & Christian vs Hardy Boys vs Dudley Boys (17)

3) Stone Cold Steve Austin vs The Rock (19)

2) The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels (26)

1) The Undertaker vs Triple H (28)

WWE Network:

WWE have confirmed the price band for subscription to their network, it will cost $12.99 - $14.99.

Austin picks his career highlight:

"Man, you're talking about trying to pick something from close to a 15-year body of work, but one of the most personal highlights for me would be cutting the promo in the basement of a Holiday Inn with ECW back in 1995. A bunch of the ECW guys were there, and I'd watched them cut their promos. Paul E (Heyman) was there too, and he was the guy who gave me that platform to talk, which I did for around 7 minutes. One take, one time and that was it, I put it all on the line. For me to finally get that platform to vent and talk about the frustrations I was feeling, as well as where I aspiring to go, I look back on that as a very important part of both my life and career."

He also discussed his future plans, but did not mention Wrestling...

"I've been 7 months out, healing up my ACL and PCL, so I'm waiting till Summer to film my next action movie. We've signed a two-picture deal through my company, Broken Skull Ranch Productions with Anchor Bay Entertainment. I'm looking forward to doing those, because I have full creative control and can let the s--t really fly. I've also got a couple of other reality TV projects I'm working on which will be released in the next couple of months. I love reality television, the atmosphere that it creates is just a bad-ass and fun way to spend time doing something you love to and getting paid for it! I'm also spending more time at my ranch; deer season is over till next year, but I'm kicking ass on my leg, feeling good and getting ready to film season 3 of Redneck Island in April. I'm as busy as I wanna' be, feeling fortunate and also doing pretty god darn good in terms of my health!"

CM Punk to meet fan:

CM Punk will meet the 77 fan that was shot in the eye in January, at a house show tonight.

The Miz on his tough start to his wrestling career:

"The fans hated me, because WWE is like a fraternity. The locker room hated me. Nobody liked me because I was from a reality show, and I had to earn respect. And that's what I set out to do. I set out to earn respect from not only the WWE Universe, not only the locker room, but everybody. And uh, everyone said I'd be fired within three months. Here I am today, sitting in front of you, 2013, a person that's main evented Wrestlemania, has been WWE Champion, 2 time United States Champion, Intercontinental Champion, 4 time Tag Team Champion, 2 Time Slammy Award Winner, and now starring in a WWE Studios film, The Marine 3 Homefront."

Ivan Koloff on HOF:

Former WWE Champion Ivan Koloff is asking his fans to petition WWE to allow him to induct Bruno Sammartino into the Hall Of Fame this year.

Zack Ryder:

Zack Ryder has revealed he is heartbroken that WrestleMania is going to be in his back yard this year, and that his friends and family are all going to be there, but he will not be on the card...

"It's cool that it's in New York/New Jersey, basically in my backyard, but I'm not on it. It kind of sucks. I got all my friends and family who are going to be there and they are expecting to see Zack Ryder on the show and as of now he is not on it. So that part of it is heartbreaking. It's still going to be a great show with Rock and Cena. It's going to be one of the best Wrestlemanias of all time."

He also criticized WWE for ruining his YouTube show, but credited the earlier episodes for changing the industry...

''For the most part the last 50 were horrible, but the first 50 changed the business. Now Raw is all about social media and Tout, and Facebook and Twitter. They weren't like that before Z! True Long Island Story."

Bruno Sammartino:

Bruno Sammartino will be inducted into the Sports Hall Of Fame today Triple H is at the event supporting him, he has also joined Twitter.

He has started tweeting already...

To the Rock...

"@TheRock @WWE You father was a great friend looking forward to meeting everyone in NY. It will be a night to remember for the fans and us."

To Iron Sheik...

"@the_ironsheik I will never forget the Civic Arena locker room incident See you in NY my long time friend."

To Mick Foley...

"Mick congratulations on WWE HOF we will spend weekend to remember in NY. You made Dominic Denucci and the fans proud"

He is also taking part in a song dedicated to him as well... Busy guy...

Lance Storm:

WWE Alum Lance Storm will join the NXT coaching team in the next couple of weeks.

William Regal pulled from Mania:

Due to his induction into the Hall Of Fame, Bruno Sammartino had to withdraw from an appearance at WrestleCon, so to make up for it, William Regal will be sent to take his spot, the event is on WrestleMania Sunday so Regal will miss most of the festivities.

Why Fandango didn't debut this week:

He tweeted...

"I'll debut when people start saying my name correctly. It's Faaaaan-daaaaaan--goooooo! Get it right! Later nerds."

Major concerns for WWE:

WWE creative are trying to come up with a way for John Cena to win the WWE Title at WrestleMania without upsetting the fans in attendance, they expect him to be booed after beating The Rock, but obviously don't want the moment their top face wins the top title at the biggest show, to be ruined by negative chants.

All I can say to that is, Good Luck 

New Diva gets ring name:

Kendra Smith will join NXT soon under the name Kendell Sky.

Jay Lethal talks TNA:

He says he never thought TNA would drop him...

"To be brutally honest, I was blindsided by the fact that I was with TNA. I had the greatest match of my life against Ric Flair. I would have never thought in a million years that I would be leaving there. But unfortunately, things happen for a reason. Now, I'm glad to say I'm back in Ring of Honor, where you could say it all started for me."

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