Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Today's News

Superstar Billy Graham interview:

On his health issues...

"I was down for about thirty days after they released me from the shock to my system and of being so dehydrated and I was actually near death when they admitted me. I didn't know this, but they had taken my wife aside and said, 'you know, your husband may not come out of this thing.' Which freaked her out, naturally. But thanks to modern medicine and the doctors being some of the world's greatest physicians here at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix. They jumped right on everything and got all the IVs, three different types of antibiotics going at the same time and I pulled through''.

On his opposition to the WWE Hall Of Fame...

"I enjoyed the HOF and at the time I was unaware of and I really wasn't paying attention to people like Pete Rose, who had been inducted, and with all of his income tax and betting on baseball and all of these things that he had done illegally, and I think he served about 5 months in federal penitentiary for income tax evasion and had to pay a $500,000 fine, but to induct somebody like that, even in the celebrity wing, which I'm fully aware of has nothing to do with the wrestlers, I really think that was a bad call. And my real problem these days are of course inducting Abdullah the Butcher where every match he has to cut himself or cut his opponent and he's just obsessed with it and for a company that has a no blood policy to induct an Abdullah the Butcher, especially ahead of a Randy Macho Man Savage, is really deplorable. Maybe they're saving Randy for next year or the year after because they're running out of people to induct."

On Bruno Sammartino...

"I must be honest with you guys; I do have inside knowledge that I've revealed in my Face-to-Face DVD that he's received a huge amount of money to go in. He was calling a personal friend of mine telling him that he was actually having trouble, now currently, deceiving his fans about only receiving $5,000 for going into the HOF when in fact he's receiving a small fortune to go in. It's very sad to have Bruno Sanmartino of all people who have always been honored and respected and held in such high esteem be so deceptive to his loyal fans. It's really, I think, a major tragedy that all of a sudden he's embraced [WWE]. It's just so bizarre for a man who had so much bitter hatred for Vince and the WWE to all of a sudden have a love affair with them''.

X-Pac injury update:

X-Pac performed a bronco buster on Jerry Lynn this past weekend and literally ripped his A** apart, according to Alicia Webb, he was bleeding profusely and had to undergo surgery yesterday to remedy the damage.


Evan Bourne:

The more than 1 year lay off for Evan Bourne is coming to an end, he is expected to return to the ring in mid May.

Backstage news:

Paul Heyman and CM Punk have not been split, WWE feel he is not needed to help build the Punk vs Undertaker feud, and are using him to further the HHH / Brock Lesnar stories instead. He will accompany both men at WrestleMania.

Eve Torres was asked to speak to the new crop of Diva Search contestants because WWE wanted the ladies to know what they were getting into before they signed on as WWE stars.

Booker T:

Upcoming WWE Hall Of Famer Booker T has announced he is to write a second autobiography.

Hall Of Famer hospitalised:

Ric Flair was backstage at Raw yesterday, for an appearance on the show, he was taken ill however and after being checked by WWE medical staff was taken to a local hospital, he was then transferred to Charlotte NC, closer to his home for further treatment.

The problem is thought to be a recurrence of the blood clot in his leg he has been suffering with since a tour of Japan with his Son Reid earlier this year.

Flair was replaced by Booker T on the show.

Heat on The Rock:

WWE are said to be very disappointed that The Rock has not been promoting the company during his media rounds promoting GI Joe, he defended himself saying the movie's producers want to have a huge opening weekend for ticket sales and did not want to distract their potential audience from the message they wanted to get out.

The Rock is making up for his time away by working tonight's tapings.

Wrestling wedding:

Congratulations to Matt Hardy and Reby Sky, who have gotten engaged today.

WrestleMania match confirmed:

Chris Jericho vs Fandango was announced on Raw last night.

Another bout being discussed is Kaitlyn vs AJ for the Diva's Title, this means the 8 Woman tag will have been dropped.

Tyson Kidd injury update:


WWE clear up mis-information:

It was reported that the WWE Diva's demanded that WWE rescind a contract offer to Maria Kanellis, it turns out that it was one of the former Diva's talking about a return for WrestleMania that demanded she was dropped due to negative comments made about her by Kanellis, the lady in question was not named (Kelly Kelly) but Kanellis has made some cutting remarks about one of her possible Tag partners (Kelly Kelly) on her show after buzz. WWE decided that the roadblock was not worth sorting out and dropped the match, meaning all the Women scheduled to be involved have lost their WrestleMania payday.

Stephanie McMahon weighs in on gay marriage debate:

She Tweeted...

"People should be free to marry who they love."

ESPN rip WWE for ''Lazy booking'' of WrestleMania:

"For a company that prides itself on listening to its fans, I wonder how much weight it gives to 3 hours and 20 minutes of near silence (except for the very loud 'You can't wrestle' chant aimed at Fandango, even if he did deliver a sweet flying leg drop). I think the dead crowd speaks volumes about the upcoming WrestleMania card and the lazy booking that goes along with setting up a string of rematches people weren't really clamoring to see in the first place."

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