Saturday, March 23, 2013

Today's News

Kofi calls active WWE star ''One of the best ever'':

He said of CM Punk...

"It's really tough, because I think that we all saw just the road that Punk was on and he's really be kind of trail blazer in terms of becoming the star of this new generation. Between his pipe bombs, or whatever, every time he gets a microphone you know he's going to say something that's either going to tick people off or mainly get you to remember what he's going to say. He always has a point to make. And then in the ring, he's very very good, one of the best, definitely of our era, and probably one of the best of all time. "

Shane Helms cancels bookings:

Shane Helms has cancelled his upcoming dates after suffering a death in his family.

Booker T interview:

On Hall Of Fame 2013...

"All of those guys (Bruno Sammartino, Bob Backlund, Mick Foley, Trish Stratus, and Donald Trump) have their own special unique talent. They all brought something different to the game. I'm honored to be sitting out there watching these guys and get that honor. I am looking forward to seeing Bruno Sammartino finally taking that step into immortality. I think it is something that is long overdue. It's going to be a great night any way you look at it."

On WrestleMania...

"WrestleMania always starts the day after the previous WrestleMania. The build-up has been no different as far as the promotion goes, and you have to notice that. The fans are going to show up and it is going to be a great night of wrestling and a great night of entertainment."

On Passing the Torch with his Promotion...

"I'm trying to create an environment for the young people that want to get into this business and see what it is really all about from a true perspective."

Hulk Hogan talks Randy Savage:

Hulk Hogan has recalled patching up his feud with Macho Man Randy Savage shortly before his death, and again repeated that he wants to induct him into the WWE Hall Of Fame...

On ending the feud...

"I've heard all these urban legends about Randy doing something to p*ss Vince off. I've heard two or three different stories, and I don't know if any of those are true, but he deserves to be in the Hall of Fame, and I would love to be the one that inducts him. I've got a speech for him ready to go. I just think it's a must that he's in the Hall of Fame; he was so influential in this business, especially in the WWF, and in my career. You know, he's the only guy we could pass the belt to, and we wouldn't lose money. You gave the belt to The Ultimate Warrior - I don't want to drop a bunch of names - and right away the revenue went down. Give the belt to 'Macho Man', and things would stay the same, or get better. For me, it would be cool to induct him. We had a rift for about 10 years, and then right before he passed away, I was getting an EKG, when I hear (mimicking Randy's voice) 'Yeah, what's up, brother?' And I looked over, and he was there, looking great. I said, 'Hey Mach, how you doing?' I shook his hand, and introduced him to my wife, Jennifer. He's like, 'Hello lovely lady, how ya doing?' Jennifer said to him, 'Oh, Mr. Macho, I've heard so much about you. You know, we've got three or four lawyers at the house today, so we're gonna cook up. We'd love to have you over.' But he just went, 'I don't dig lawyers, baby, maybe we could start out with a phone call?'''

On Macho's death...

"I was on a show with Lanny (Poffo, Randy's brother), Scott Steiner and Kevin Nash in Canada, and Lanny had told me that his mom was depressed because his dad had passed away, and would me and Randy come to see her? We were gonna have a barbecue at Randy's house for his mom, and surprise her. But midweek, Randy passed away. It was tough because we just started talking after all that bulls--t; I was excited to talk to him, he was excited to talk to me, and then he passed away. It was [expletive] up. He was a great human being, too. He had a good heart, man. He was a good person."

Couple of other interesting points from the same interview...

On leaving WWF...

"Vince and I were best friends, but when we talked about money, we were enemies. So I went [to WCW] with the red and yellow, beat Ric Flair, and Hulkamania took off again. Then, creatively, I turned into a bad guy, which I always wanted to do in the WWF, but nobody wanted me to. I always said, 'I could be the best bad guy ever. Just let me do it', but no-one wanted me to be a bad guy.

On wanting to turn heel for Mania 6...

"At Warrior's time, I really wanted to f--k him as a bad guy; I wanted to beat The Ultimate Warrior in Toronto, but as a heel. I just thought it would be intense, and I would be the best bad guy ever. I could have done it, and then said, 'Forget the prayers and the vitamins, I did it for the money!' But it's just creative differences, and Vince knows what he's doing, believe me. I just wanted to try something different in the WWF."

Paul Bearer:

Paul Bearer's Cause Of Death has been confirmed, attributed to an easily treatable heart condition Supraventricular Tachycardia (High heart rate). Unfortunately this means his death was avoidable because it is a common complaint, and not often deadly if treated, he had however been suffering in silence for several weeks, and eventually succumbed to a Heart Attack.

CM Punk:

Details of CM Punk's planned break have emerged, he will take the whole month of May off, including the Extreme Rules PPV.

Stephanie McMahon:

Following a video posted by Stephanie McMahon (See yesterday) it has now become apparent that She will be involved in her husband Triple H's WrestleMania match in some capacity. No word on what that means for Shawn Michaels who was expected to be his corner man.

Ex TNA star talks turning down a return:

Roxxi, who was one of several former employees to reject an appearance at the Knockout's PPV, has revealed why she refused the invitation...

"You can only get kicked so many times. ... I think that I had finally had enough. They had trouble treating me very well to begin with and I felt like I was being a glutton for punishment every time I went back. ... I felt like it was the right time to tell them no. It was like one of those bad relationships where you keep trying to get away from it. ... You can't treat people badly and then hope that they'll come back and hang out. ... A lot of the girls I've spoken to turned them down."

R-Truth interview:

He says he wants to be the top man in WWE...

"If you're going to be in this business, you need to be in to win it," said R-Truth. "And that's been one of my goals—to become of the main players. I have no problem putting the company on my back and totin' it. I'm it to win it. I want to become a main player, a main-eventer, a headliner—whatever. I have all that's needed to do that."

He also discussed the gruesome injury from late last year, that kept him off the road for close to 2 months...

''That injury came from one of my maneuvers, the Side-Slipper. Just the impact of me coming down into the ring caused it. I slid, but my kneepads caught on the skin of my knee and just ripped it apart."

Pic of the injury (Be aware it is bloody).

Most ridiculous poll ever:

WWE are asking it's fans what name Booker T should be inducted into the Hall Of Fame as...

* Booker T
* King Booker
* Kole
* GI Bro
* 5 Time WCW Champion

Booker T is (Of course) winning, which is common sense IMO, it is under that persona that he achieved his greatest success, would Steve Austin be inducted as The Ringmaster, or Kane as Fake Diesel or Isaac Yankem.. NO!!!.

Jack Doan:

I reported a couple of weeks ago that long time WWE Ref Jack Doan's profile was removed from WWE.Com, today it has finally been confirmed that He has been released, although no reason or explanation for the release was given. This ends a 20+ year career with the company, he initially drove the trucks for them before taking on a role as a ref in a part time capacity, he eventually became a full time ref in 1993.

Top 10 Mick Foley:

Mick Foley's 10 craziest bumps.

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