Sunday, March 17, 2013

Today's News

D'Lo Brown fired:

Dixie Carter has tweeted that D'Lo Brown has been fired from his office job with TNA following his decision to join Aces & 8's, he replied with a hint he wants to get back in the ring, saying he was bored anyway, and is considering going back to his old job.

Beth Phoenix on retirement:

It seems she will not accept the WWE offer of a return...

"I entered a different season in my life. I'm 32. I started wrestling when I was 19 years old, and I spent my entire adult life on the road chasing this dream, and I loved it. I absolutely loved everything I did with WWE, and I had a wonderful career with them. It's time to check other things and experience other parts of life that you can't when you're 'married to the business,' and that's literally what you have to do to be successful. I did so much in the way of my dream, and I certainly left no stone unturned. To chase other dreams, I kind of had to make that really tough decision to move on to the next phase of my life."

She went on to rubbish suggestions she could be a Hall Of Fame inductee, saying there are far more deserving people than her to go in before it's her turn.

WWE returns:

Santino Marella will return on Monday's Raw, and Rey Mysterio will return on April 8, the Post WrestleMania Raw.

Scott Hall:

Diamond Dallas Page has announced that they are just $8,000 from the goal of $80,000 to get hip replacement surgery for Scott Hall, he is so impressed with the reaction he is inviting the 10 largest donaters to his home to stay the night, and others will receive a telephone call of thanks from the bad guy himself.

The Rock:

The Rock is sending out feelers for a role in the next episode of The Expendables movies.

Twitter feud:

Brooke Tessmacher and Angelina Love are feuding over Tattoo's, Brooke was asked about Tat's she said she doesn't like them on women, and that she was ''Classy not trashy'', Angelina the tweeted...

"Laugh of the day! Ppl who don't know the difference between "classy & trashy" giving opinions on what's "classy & trashy" LOL!"

To which Brooke, retracted her claws and took a swipe at the alleged weight gain that some dirt sheets say is the reason Love refused to return for the Knockouts PPV, and her cosmetic surgeries...

"Eating is important, save the surgeries 2ur face when they are actually needed, age graceful, don't over tan(leather skin) b proportioned,"

This then went on, TNA champ Velvet Sky posted a pic of her tattoo with a thumbs up gesture, fans of Brooke challenged her, saying if she wanted to send a message to Brooke, she should have tagged her in it, Tessmacher liked the comment, and some other disparaging remarks about Angelina.

WWE lives:

R-Truth was back from his injury on Saturday, but CM Punk was pulled with no prior announcement, he was still advertised on the posters, but with no explanation, mention, or offer of refunds to the disappointed fans, he did not appear.

Busy TNA:

TNA are taping 6 PPV's this week...


1:00pm - TNA Knockouts PPV with the "Queen" of TNA being crowned.

7:00pm - TNA 10 Year Reunion featuring stars from TNA's first 10 years.


1:00pm - TNA Tag Team Tournament to determine the greatest tag team in company history.

7:00pm - TNA World Cup of Wrestling featuring international stars.


1:00pm - TNA Hardcore Justice 2 featuring hardcore rules.

7:00pm - TNA Heavyweight Title Tournament with the top world champions battling to determine the greatest champion of all time.

Jesse Sorenson interview:

On his health...

"Health wise, I feel I'm pretty close to 100 percent. I'm still doing rehab on my neck. I rehab 3 times a day. As for a job, I was wanting to come back and wrestle but my neck still has some issues, bumping and everything like that, so as of now I'm doing marketing and production for TNA, I'm backstage now."

On returning to the ring...

"Yeah, I think so, eventually. I think right now they're just concerned on all the miles on my neck. If I was coming back right now for a one time deal it might not be that big an issue but to go back on the road full time would just be too tough on my neck right now. It's only been about a year and a month now since I broke my neck."

On support from fans...

"I was extremely surprised. I remember when I first got to the hospital I told Dixie Carter that I don't want everyone to forget about me since I wasn't on TV that long and then instantly, within 2 days, my twitter went from around 1,500 people to around 12,000 people. It was cool to see everything blow up like that. But of course I was paralyzed at the time so I wasn't really using my hands to tweet a whole lot."

On the accident that almost ended his career...

"The move, I don't even remember exactly how it happened or what happened, I just remember I turned around and I see Zema do the moonsault and it looked like he was overshooting so I stuck my hands up to block and clearly that didn't happen. I felt the knee hit me in the head and I blacked out at the time and then referee Brian Stiffler rolled out and checked on me, said, 'hey, you alright?' At first, I felt like I was fine, well then in my head I'm telling myself to push myself up just to get up and I look over and my wrists are completely bent in and nothings moving. Then I remember Stiffler rolled back out and he was like, 'hey, you know I'm going to count you out, you have to get up,' and I said, 'I can't move, I'm paralyzed.''

On his opponent Zema Ion...

"Well it was really weird because him and I were really good friends before the incident. We had actually roomed together a lot and after the incident I didn't hear from him really at all for probably 6 months. Didn't hear a word and it was really weird because me and the guy were pretty decent friends and we both came in to TNA about the same time and he was one person, of course, I expected to hear from and never got a call or a text or anything. I think he might have come by the hospital one time but never really heard from him at all.''

D'Von Dudley talks WrestleMania:

"That was another amazing time in my career; to be able to be in the ring with five other guys and to steal the show at WrestleMania two years in a row was awesome. The TLC matches were matches that had never really been seen before; the closest thing to a TLC match was just a ladder match that was performed by Razor Ramon and Shawn Michaels. We then added the tables and the chairs into the mix and made it what it is today and it was just great to go out there and entertain throughout that whole attitude era.''

Dutch Mantell on WWE return:

He has written on his Facebook that he is still dedicated to the charity he set up in remembrance of his Grand Daughter, who was killed in a police car pursuit, but has had to pull back from working hands on since returning to WWE...

"Hey guys...sorry I haven't been around much but since I've gotten a 'new job' I've been running like crazy, There's not enough time in the week to handle all the things now. I'm not leaving, I'm just having to back out for a while. I'm the same guy...just with a different perspective now."

He went on...

"Keep supporting Amanda and the cause and I promise, I'll be back soon with the Dutchism's and the BS, I have a lot of great stories to tell...funny how life changes. What a story. I'll keep it until the next book. You won't believe it. Take care...keep watching. This could get very interesting."

Stone Cold Steve Austin remembers Owen Hart:

"I remember I was wrestling Undertaker that night in the main event. I was there. Didn't see it happen. I was in the back, hanging out, waiting for my time to go on. All of a sudden, we get word back that Owen fell, and we knew that he was going to do a gig hanging from the ceiling of the arena, and it was a hell of a fall. And all of a sudden, we get word that he isn't with us anymore. It was a real weird feeling. They said the show must go on, so the show must go on. We're out there tangling in the ring. It's strange, when people pay money to see something, I guess they want to see the end of the show. We're in the back and the boss says go on, so we go on."

Knockouts PPV:

Despite many rejections TNA have gone on with the show today, in attendance are...

Contracted TNA talent...

* Velvet Sky
* Miss Tessmacher
* Taeler Hendrix
* Tara
* Mickie James
* Christy Hemme
* Madison Rayne

Shine stars...

* Mia Yim
* Santana Garrett
* Jillian Hall
* And others...

Former stars...

* Cheerleader Melissa / Alissa Flash
* Jackie Moore
* Trinity

One of TNA's current ladies Madison Rayne announced today that she is pregnant... Congratulations to her.

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