Saturday, March 9, 2013

Today's News

Christopher Daniels talks never making it in WWE:

"I think that they never really saw anything that they could really sink their teeth into," Daniels said. "Which is OK, because you know, the truth of the matter is I was never really their type of wrestler. Or when I was, or now that I am … I don't know … I've already got ties to TNA, or Ring of Honor, or wherever I was, at the time. A lot of it was timing, but I think a lot of it was just preference. You know, there was a period of time, when I was a younger guy, when I was trying to get a job there, but they were more interested in guys that were taller, and heavier. Guys that were built more like Ryback, (instead of) me. If it wasn't for places like TNA, Japan, and Ring of Honor, I might not have had the career that I've had. I've had a lot of great opportunities, despite WWE's reluctance to ever give me an opportunity."

He then went on to congratulate CM Punk on his success with the company, in spite of having similar issues that cost Daniels his chance there.

WWE sign two Irish stars:

Joey Cabray and Rachelle St. Claire have been signed to NXT contracts. Rachelle St. Claire was actually signed last year, but the deal fell through due to her suffering a knee injury, she has not fully recovered from the problem but WWE have told her to come to the States later this year, Cabray will make the move soon.

TNA Lock Down:

TNA have released the opening to this Sunday's PPV...

The event is the best selling event in the company's history, in the domestic (US) market.

Scott Hall:

Diamond Dallas Page has released a video diary update on the progress of Scott ''Razor Ramon'' Hall...

Rivals DVD:

Another 3 feuds to be covered in the new WWE rivals DVD series have been confirmed today...

* Edge vs. John Cena

* Steve Austin vs. The Rock

* Triple H vs. Mick Foley

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