Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Today's News

Raw news & notes:

WWE invited Michael and Daniel Moody, the sons of Paul Bearer to the show, The Undertaker and Kane also paid their own tributes during and after the broadcast.

Brock Lesnar accepted a WrestleMania match vs Triple H, but demanded the right to pick the stipulation.

The Bella Twins returned. (More on why later).

Drew McIntyre of 3MB was injured in an angle with Mark Henry and Ryback, and had to be helped to the back during an ad break.

WWE were very upset that some fans chanted ''DUI'' during Jack Swagger's match.

Injury updates:

Santino Marella says he is clear to return to wrestling as of next Monday, and that he hopes to get into the WrestleMania stories, but concedes there is not much time left.

Evan Bourne has also updated his status...

"There is ice on my foot right now from a hard day of training! Going to see the doc Thursday. I'm optimistic!"

Kevin Nash - Ghostbuster:

Nash in is Venice, Italy recording an episode of Ghost Hunters.

JBL corrects Cole's mis-information:

JBL has announced he did not make the summit in his latest mountain climb challenge, contrary to Michael Cole's statement that he had, he said they had to turn back after bad storms killed 2 fellow climbers (Pic to follow).

Zack Ryder:

No word on why, but Zack Ryder has reverted to his old ring trunks, not the ''Push Me'' trunks he has being wearing in the last couple of weeks... Heat???.

WrestleMania 29 theme songs confirmed:

They will be...

* Coming Home by Diddy-Dirty Money

* Surrender by Angels & Airwaves

* Bones by Young Guns

Kharma teases WWE return:

Kharma was asked during the broadcast of Raw last night, during the segment in which The Bella's returned, if she was going to come back to get revenge for their comments in 2011, she replied...


Rivals DVD:

Four more feuds confirmed...

* The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

* Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes

* Randy Savage vs. Hulk Hogan

* Vince McMahon vs. Steve Austin

Shaul Guerrero:

In a recent interview Shaul says she is suffering anorexia and bulimia.

WWE re-hiring women:

WWE are desperate to beef up the Women's roster, they decided not to promote NXT Diva's en masse as was originally planned, and instead are trying to convince some of the ladies that have left to come back, They are offering drastically more money to the ladies in question, The Bella's jumped at the chance and accepted the first offer from the company (Both ladies are in relationships with active talent, so it made sense). Other ladies are being more coy, and are holding out for more, WWE have not confirmed any of the names they are talking too.

Swagger / Colter heat:

Vince McMahon is very much behind the current storyline, as a vehicle to make Alberto Del Rio a super face, but the vitriol that the competitors are getting on the live circuit is concerning WWE officials, and they don't feel the angle is getting over on TV, with many fans turning the channel during their segments.

Former WWF champ on TV show:

Nikita Koloff will be one of the 3 preachers, who will be featured in a show showing the family lives of men of the cloth, when they are not in church.

Want to work at Mania 29???:

WWE are looking for volunteers to work the Fan Axxess events, so if you can be in East Rutherford, New Jersey on Mania weekend click here.

Mae vs Stephanie:

Mae Young has revealed if she makes it to 100 years of age (She is currently 90) Vince McMahon will allow her to wrestle a match vs Stephanie McMahon and his Grand Daughter Aurora Rose to celebrate the landmark, Mae says she is determined to do it.

WWE list 25 greatest celebs:

25 - Kim Kardashian
24 - Bob Uecker
23 - Flo Rida
22 - Burt Reynolds
21 - Kid Rock
20 - Snooki
19 - Floyd Mayweather
18 - Motorhead
17 - Maria Menounos
16 - Alice Cooper
15 - Mickey Rourke
14 - William Perry
13 - Aretha Franklin
12 - Pamela Anderson & Jenny McCarthy
11 - Ray Charles
10 - Lawrence Taylor
9 - Little Richard
8 - Pete Rose
7 - Cyndi Lauper
6 - Liberace
5 - Ozzy Osbourne
4 - Mr. T
3 - Mike Tyson
2 - Donald Trump
1 - Muhammad Ali

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