Thursday, March 7, 2013

Today's News

Paul Bearer:

Paul Bearer was suffering a chest infection, and also suffered a blood clot during a recent fan fest, he had to be taken to hospital after the event, the official cause of his death has not yet been announced.

The details of one of his last interviews has been released...

On The Undertaker...

"I signed my first contract with WWE on December 22nd, 1990, and here we are in 2013. It's just mind-boggling. That's 23 years. In my mind, it just went by like that. I get asked this question all the time, when I do interviews such as yours. Back when I first started with the Undertaker, did I think the gimmick would last this number of years? No way, and he didn't either. And he don't, he'd tell you the same thing. We didn't have a clue. It was just, I've been very, very blessed in professional wrestling."

On The Hall Of Fame...

"I'm in no hurry. I try not to brag, I really do. Sometimes I come across like I'm bragging. I know that I will. And so, that's all I need to know. Whether it's next year, or whether it's five years from now, I know the time's coming."

There is a huge push within WWE to get Paul Bearer's name on the list for 2013 induction to the WWE Hall Of Fame, no conformation of WWE plans as of yet.

The Undertaker:

WWE have confirmed The Undertaker will be on Raw this week, there was some talk the appearance would be pulled, but local promoters have confirmed his booking will be fulfilled.

Jake The Snake on HOF:

Jake The Snake has offered up some reasons for his exclusion from the WWE Hall Of Fame, saying he was too outspoken in the past, critical of people less deserving being inducted before him...

"Absolutely. In the past, I was angry, I said stuff I shouldn't have said, blew some things out of proportion and guess what? Nobody's 100% right all the time and I've made some pretty bad remarks about certain people going in that I didn't think should be in there and I've got to learn to shut my mouth. It's not up to me who goes in. All I will tell you is this; I appreciate the things WWE did for me. I'm ashamed of myself in a way that I threw away opportunities for whatever reason, whether it was the drugs, or whether I got pissed off, or whether they screwed me over, whatever, there is no good reason to throw away the talent that I had. If the lord wants me to, and Vince McMahon wants me to, I'll go into the Hall of Fame. But if it doesn't happen, that's ok too, I'm at a good place in my life and I've got a lot of things that I want to accomplish before I leave this planet and one of them would be going into the Hall of Fame, sure. Another one would be to close my career the way I wanted to. To go back out there one last time. I pity the poor fools who get in my way, because that's what I'm working towards. I'm working towards going out the way I wanted to. I've got to get back out there because whenever I quit, I had to quit because I couldn't hardly walk, my feet were so messed up, my hands were so messed up, I couldn't straighten them out, my feet or my hands. Now I got that all taken care of. I'm not on the meds anymore for my hands or feet, which is amazing."

He also offered his opinions on his house mate...

On Scott Hall...

"Yes. I'm watching the guy, he's walking around with a cane right now. He's seen what I did, now do you think for one moment that man is going to let me out-do him? He and I are a lot alike. We're in this house together and we help each other. Scott coming here, I get as much out of it as he does, because there's those times when things start coming up in your head and I look over and can tell when Scott's having a bad moment, and he can read me when I'm having a bad moment. He knows what to look for. Diamond Dallas Page does not know what it's like to go through the crap that we went through. He didn't have the drug problem or the alcohol problem that we did. He doesn't know what the head does during those moments. So we're able to help each other and talk to each other and help each other out."

Matt Borne on Doink The Clown:

"Probably the clown. When I first had that pitched to me, I don't know if I lost my ability to speak or what; it caught me totally of guard. I never would have ever dreamed of being a clown out there, you know? But that soon changed; when it was presented to me as 'This is an idea' and Vince, it was Vince's idea to pitch it to me and I didn't really respond. I think he kind of read my body language and said 'You don't really have to do it'. If you've got something else you want to do, put it on the table; we're pretty open here.' So, he said, 'Go home and think about it'; he told me he thought I could pull it off and that it would be a fine line to pull it off but if I thought I could do it, then he really believed I could do it. So, I just went home and I was living in Atlanta at the time, and for the next four to five days, I ate, slept, drank; everything was having to do with this conversation I'd had with Mr. McMahon. So, I was to call him the following Friday and so I called him and said 'Ok, let's roll. I want to do it.'"

TNA confirm PPV taping schedule:

Sunday, March 17

1:00pm - TNA Knockout Knockdown: TNA crowns the true "Queen" of TNA

7:00pm - TNA 10 Reunion: Celebration of the stars from the first 10 years of TNA all competing in the squared circle

Monday, March 18

1:00pm - TNA Tag Team Tournament: TNA determines the greatest TNA Tag Team in TNA history

7:00pm - TNA World Cup of Wrestling: Teams of wrestlers from around the globe compete in Heavyweight, X Division, Tag Team Division and Knockout Division matches

Tuesday, March 19

1:00pm - TNA Hardcore Justice 2: Hardcore rules for the stars of Hardcore wrestling

7:00pm - TNA Heavyweight Title Tournament: The top World Champions in TNA history battle to determine the greatest of all time

WWE vs Glenn Beck:

WWE have decided not to continue the feud with the radio host, and will not draw any further attention towards him.

Randy Orton:

Expect a heel turn from Randy Orton at WrestleMania, he has been pushing for a turn for months, and has been told the turn will finally happen.

Want to be a part of WrestleMania?:

WWE want fans from around the world to take a photo of themselves next to a town landmark which will then be collated into a music video package to be shown at the show in April...

Rules and details.

WWE looking for new creative writer:

They have posted this Ad on their corporate site...

"The VP Creative Writing will be responsible for the creative content strategy and direction for all weekly TV programming. He/She will manage the Head Writer, Show Runners, and the writing team, provide long-term direction in the development of story lines and WWE superstar characters, and be the primary liaison with other partner departments especially including Talent, TV and Digital."

In another huge move regarding creative, Eric Pankowski has today (If early rumours are true) been put in control of creative as the senior VP, he was hired in by Stephanie and Triple H to replace Brain Gerwitz. The HHH/Steph era is taking another huge step towards it's beginning, with their man now running the show creatively it seems.

Rey Mysterio:

Rey Mysterio is in bad shape, his ''Good'' knee is the one currently causing him issues, Doctors say he can wrestle, but his leg must remain immobilized, which is obviously not cohesive to good matches, He is still in the WWE's good books, with insiders saying they were calling begging him to return during his recent hiatus.

In a worrying comment for his fans, WWE say Rey is a ''Company man'' and they are desperate for him not to leave them, they have promised him a role even after he retires. They obviously think his time in the ring is running short.

Rivals DVD contents announced:

* Raven vs. Tommy Dreamer

* The Hardy Boyz vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. Edge & Christian

* The Rock vs. Triple H

* Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant

Extreme Rules match confirmed:

It looks as though WWE are not going to punish Jack Swagger for his drugs arrest, he is booked for a Submission match vs Alberto Del Rio at Extreme Rules, which is after WrestleMania, he may get his title win after all.

Worries over Dolph Ziggler:

WWE sources are raising concerns over WWE's treatment of Ziggler, saying... ''Why Dolph Ziggler has not only been on a losing streak but has gotten limited interview time and didn't even get an entrance on RAW.'' is a hot topic backstage right now.

WWE go cold on Fandango:

Some talk coming out of WWE say they may not give Fandango his debut after all, (Dirt sheet nonsense IMO, they are building up to something with him).

Ryback vs Mark Henry:

WWE have pulled Ryback's proposed heel turn, and he will face Mark at WrestleMania, with the main reason being, he has not had a PPV win in such a long time, with the World title feud vs CM Punk, and the feud with The Shield, going against him, he also of course finished 2nd in the Royal Rumble, it is felt his momentum is in danger of grinding to a halt if he doesn't start getting some big show victories.

New Alumnus:

This weeks new WWE Alumni is Hakushi.

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