Friday, March 22, 2013

Today's News

WWE hire new creative head:

David Kreizman an Emmy award winning soap opera writer has landed the top job in WWE creative according to former man Court Bauer.

Do Not mess with Stephanie McMahon:

Watch This...

Stone Cold Steve Austin:

WWE Hall Of Famer Steve Austin says he will not attend this years WrestleMania, saying the decision was made (Not specifying by who) and that was the bottom line.

TNA's answer to WrestleMania:

TNA will air this ad promoting a show in New York on WrestleMania weekend...

Bully Ray's mea culpe:

TNA arranged for a personal meeting between Bully and the fan he had a verbal confrontation with earlier this week (See Tuesday).

After the meeting Bully reiterated his apologies for any offence he caused with his homophobic rant...

"Had a very positive talk with the man I got into a verbal altercation with in Chicago. I personally apologized for my careless choice of words and my ignorance with regard to certain slurs I used. I take full responsibility and once again I apologize to all."

WWE Network price confirmed:

If you want to join the WWE Network's subscribers it will cost you $12.99 - $14.99.

Eric Bischoff attacks Bret Hart:

On signing him to WCW...

"I had spoken to and met Bret several times before he made the jump. I was obviously excited to have him but clearly Bret Hart was a very broken....and in my opinion still is, from the interviews I hear him do, a very sad, broken and bitter person. That was pretty evident when he first came over. He was a shadow or a shell of his former self. Wherever Bret was, the high point of his character, what I got was a kind of broken, sad shell of that and quite honestly I don't think he's ever come out of it."

On his recent interviews...

"It's not unusual for guys like Bret Hart, from that era....the only way they know how to get over is to get over at the expense of someone else. Bret Hart's trying very hard to stay relevant. Unfortunately, he's no longer relevant. He was a big star, he had a big name at one point, he was an important character in the history of the business but he's not any longer and I'm sure that's hard on him. I know myself how it feels to realise that that your biggest and best days as a performer are behind you. I'm very comfortable with that, I've embraced it but it's hard for a lot of guys who've never been anything other than performers. They have a hard time with that. It's not easy getting older in the wrestling business, believe me, when you're surrounded by younger and younger people who in many ways aren't as over or as skilled or as popular as you may have been or still are now. But this business is a business that's served by youth and change. And for someone like Bret, that manifests itself in his personality, lashing out at others. It's funny, when he came to me he hated Vince McMahon, he hated everyone in the WWE from the office to half the roster. He didn't have a good thing to say about any of the McMahons. Then when he got the opportunity to go back and work for them, he had to shift that. Then his hatred was for someone else like Bill Goldberg for giving him a concussion and now it's for me and for Hulk, there's no rhyme or reason for it and as far as his opinion of my value and what I've achieved in the wrestling business, I'll let my body of work and success speak for itself."

Hogan talks taking charge of Mania 18 match:

He says he decided not to follow The planned script for the match and told The Rock to do it his way...

On planning...

"Out of respect, I go down there, and there's me and The Rock and his dad Rocky Johnson, and Pat Patterson. The Rock starts telling me that we're gonna lock up, and do this and do that, then start getting some heat on me, and so on. So he talked through the whole match, and I was listening. I respect him, and it kinda made sense, but I'd never done that before. Then they go, 'Okay, let's have the match here.' I said, 'Whoa! You're talking about me taking bumps in this ring, with no people? I'll get hurt, and if I fall wrong one time, then my career is over.' I've got to have the energy of the crowd, so that when I go down, I go down to the mat hard. So instead, we just walked through the match."

On the match...

"The whole issue I had was what if we got to Toronto, and this doesn't work? So sure enough, when we go to Toronto, I give The Rock one big push, and the place explodes. Then I pushed him again, as we planned, and the place explodes again. [WWE] thought I was gonna get booed. Then I start chopping meat on him, and with every hit the place is going crazy. Then I did what was planned, blocking a punch, and as soon as he started hitting me came the boos. I went down, and looked up and said, 'You want me to fix this?' And The Rock says, 'Yeah, let's fix it.' I went, 'OK, then listen to me.' But it took him no time to get it right, because he is just so good in the ring. It took us three minutes to get it right, but if we'd done what we had practiced, they'd have booed us out of the [expletive] building. I'm not saying I could do it in every instance, but The Rock is so good, we could do that. The Rock doesn't usually talk about planning his matches, so somebody must have made him worry that I was too old and too slow, and that I wouldn't be able to keep up with the work-rate. But once he got in the ring with me, he knew I had a feel for it, and we got it right. That's what I wanted to do with 'Stone Cold', and Bret Hart, too."

TNA announce changes to X Division:

* The X Division now has a weight limit of 230 lbs.

* All X Division matches will now be three-man matches

DDP Yoga goes national:

Diamond Dallas Page is taking his Yoga program onto the road, Starting in Nashville on March 23.

TV star mocks Masters:

Jay Leno talked about the incident with Chris Masters Mother (See Wednesday) on his show last night, and made a controversial remark, accusing him of using steroids, and hinting at him being stupid...

"Former WWE wrestling [star] Chris 'The Masterpiece' Masters... being called a hero after saving his mother from burning to death by uprooting her tree with his bare hands and using it as a battering ram to enter her house. See, you never hear about the good things steroids do, it's always the bad thing! And the door was unlocked, he really didn't need the tree."

The Rock also appeared on the show, without the WWE belt.

Paul Bearer:

Michael Moody has revealed that the Family of the great manager signed off on the current CM Punk vs Undertaker story line after WWE called them and proposed the angle...

"We felt that dad would have wanted us at RAW last week and agreed to the angle … We knew Dad wouldn't have wanted it any other way."

Paul's on screen son Glenn ''Kane'' Jacobs has also remembered his kayfabe Father...

''He was an integral part of my early years as Kane. Without Paul Bearer, there wouldn't have been a Kane, because he was such an important part of that story. Also, we traveled together for a few years, so it was a loss on a personal level for me as well. He came back and managed me in 2010 when I was World Champion, which was really cool – again against The Undertaker. Just like everyone else, I was a big fan of Paul Bearer and Percy Pringle, and all of the other names that he went by. It was a tough loss for everybody. We went to the viewing and what was really amazing was there were flowers there from all over the country – really, all over the world. It was nice to see an outpouring of affection from fans all over the place.''

El Generico gets WWE name:

He will be called Sammy Sane.

The Rock talks his schedule:

In a UK interview The Rock has discussed how much work he has on right now...

"It's a very unique time, it's a fun time and what makes it fun for me and audiences, I think, is that it's kind of a D.J. buffet happening. Whatever you want, you can get that between the movies I have coming out. It's a fun time and it's a challenging time, too. Any time you have a movie coming out, of course you've got to promote [them], and they're really good movies. I'm also preparing for 'WrestleMania' and preparing for 'Hercules' at the same time. It's a delicate balance of trying to balance the schedule out with all the press and also the prep for 'Hercules' and of course 'WrestleMania'."

Chris Jericho:

It seems Jericho is still recovering from the unspecified injury from this weeks SmackDown taping, he will miss tonight's house shows, but is expected to be back for tomorrows.

Chavo Guerrero interview:

His career...

"I had another three tag team championships runs and an ECW Championship. It's awesome. The very last year [in the WWE] left a lot to be desired, you're off TV and all of a sudden they start giving you this little program, you kinda make the most of them and make the best of them. They say the average life of a professional wrestler's about four and a half years. I've been doing it 18."

On how long he has left (and a shot at WWE's product)...

"In the wrestling business, you know, you really don't know what you're doing 'til about seven, eight years in. You look back to the way wrestling used to be — you didn't even make it to the big time until you were ten years in minimum. Now you're in the business for six months or a year and they come in the ring and they're getting shots at big time. And if you see the wrestling , especially at the other place, you can tell. I won't even watch that program because it's bad. The wrestling is so bad.''

On his dispute with John Cena...

"If he can't wrestle, then he can't wrestle, you know? Very, very few and far between do we get a Triple H or a Rey Mysterio, a Randy Orton. That doesn't happen too much anymore. It's very few and far between. You can tell who's making John Cena look good."

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