Monday, March 19, 2018


Alum's son talks his mother's heartless reaction to his death:

Brian Pillman's son has blasted his mother for going on WWE TV the day after his father was found dead...

"She was already on her way out when he was dying. You can kinda see her heartlessness. It's like, why would you even go on TV 24 hours after your husband died?. Sure, it probably was a little bit of weird idea on his part, but the fact that my mother was like, 'Sure.' Like, you know what I mean, 'Give me some money and I'll do anything!' She was just, to see her go on there, it was just, it all comes back to that. That's the one point I can say, 'Yep! she never really was a good mother.'"

He also talked about the money WWE pay her to this day...

"She just sits on it and she don't have a job or nothing, she just spends it all away. When my car broke down one time, I needed 1500 bucks to fix it, she gave me 800 bucks. I'm like, well at least she gave me something. This is after 20 years of being completely neglected by my own parents With that money, she blew it all, and then my stepdad bought a new truck. For the kids, we didn't see an influx of s--t, we just saw them buying themselves stuff."

He later revealed he walked out of his home when he was 13, but claims his mother did not notice he was gone for a full month...

"She probably didn't know for a solid month that I was gone. I think she called me and said, 'Where'd you go?' I said, "I moved out, you've been asleep for a month."

HOF'er critical of John Cena:

Edge says he did not buy into John Cena's promo on the Undertaker...

"The John Cena promo, I thought it was pretty hokey. I'm not going to lie. It was cool at some points, but then it was very… I don't know, just a very hokey delivery. And I know that's Cena's schtick sometimes, but it just didn't feel like this was the moment or the opponent for that, I think. That was my gut when I first watched it. Yeah, I don't know. I think that's a huge, massive match and I'm glad the crowd reacted the way they did and I didn't even mind the going into the crowd thing, like, the way they're setting this up like if he doesn't have this match, or he doesn't have this match, or he doesn't have this match, he'll go and pay to sit in the audience. I guess it was just when it got to talking about The Undertaker stuff, it just didn't feel quite as… I don't know. I don't even know how to put my finger on it. I guess it's just sometimes it's kind of hokey delivery can kind of work, but in that instance, it just didn't work for me."

Raw tease:

  • Who will claim victory in The Ultimate Deletion?
  • Brock Lesnar finally emerges
  • Asuka puts her streak on the line against Alexa Bliss
  • Will Braun Strowman take on The Bar at WrestleMania?

WWE release:

Christy St Cloud has left NXT.


WWE will confirm Mark Henry for the HOF tonight on Raw.

Mark revealed why he decided to stop wrestling...

''You know what, I saw a match – and I always study my matches. I always see what I did wrong, what I could do better. I was watching and there were things that I did that weren't up to the standard that I thought they should have been. And a lot of that… I think some of it was age, some of it was the fact that I had some pre-existing injuries that I really couldn't do all the things that I could do. And I didn't want the fans to remember me being injured and being a shell of my former self. I want people, when they remember me, to think of the Hall of Pain, when I was catching guys, 275 pounds. Picking up Big Show, close to 500 pounds, over my head and driving him through a table. And picking up Kane, 320 pounds and slamming him through tables. And jumping off the top rope to the ring and jumping out of the ring to the floor and splashing Kurt Angle. I wanted people to remember me at my greatest. Around 2015, I started to see my skills diminish. It happens to everybody. Father Time is undefeated. He is gonna win every time, and I saw him catching me.''

He says he now plans to move into acting.

Champion injured:

WWE sources confirm AJ Styles is injured and will be assessed at Raw tonight by the WWE medical team.

Inductors named:

Edge & Christian will induct the Dudleyz into the HOF. They hope the Hardyz will also be involved.


WWE have put WCW Thunder episodes onto their Network.

Hardy back at work:

Jeff Hardy is training at the PC, readying himself to return after an injury.


Kurt Angle says Braun Strowman must find a partner if he wants a red Tag shot at Mania. Elias is expected to be the man he picks.

Mania celeb to MMA:

Boxer Floyd Mayweather plans on applying for an MMA licence.

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