Thursday, March 1, 2018


Brock sulking:

Brock Lesnar has worked more than his current agreed dates foe WWE, so when he was told he would be dropping his title at Mania he decided he didn't need to be on TV, so didn't appear on TV. No word if we will see him again before the big one, but WWE have Paul Heyman to fall back on for the build of the match. He will be at a live this weekend though.

Heyman's new client:

Should Brock leave WWE Paul Heyman may become Ronda Rousey's manager.


Liv Morgan cut her thigh distressing her pants, whilst wearing them, at SD this week.

Neville forced back to table:

WWE have played hardball to get Neville back to the table for talks about him returning. After walking away from the company last October the Englishman hoped to sit out his remaining deal and quietly leave, but WWE have frozen his contract, meaning he will not be free until he physically works the dates he contractually owes them. They have successfully used this tactic in the past to keep Rey Mysterio and Daniel Bryan on their books, against the talent's wishes.

Big Show at big show?:

Big Show says he will be back in time for WrestleMania.

WWE deal:

Vince McMahon and Triple H personally flew to Riyadh to sign a 10 year deal to host live events in Saudi Arabia this week.

Co-pro announced:

Impact and LU will co host a show on WrestleMania weekend.


WWE have launched an Ebay account to sell official merch such as ring worn gear and signed memorabilia.

Cena vs Taker:

The Meltzer has declared Cena vs Undertaker will happen at WrestleMania this year, because WWE wouldn't let him mention it on TV for nothing, adding that unless the dead man was injured in training, which he has no knowledge of, if it happened, the talk of Rey coming in to face Cena is to distract from the dream match.

Shelton pulled by police:

Shelton Benjamin says he was pulled over by police while he was driving around with a loaded gun in his rental car, unbeknownst to him...

"I rented on a Sunday and I dropped it off Wednesday morning. But Monday night while going to the town we were going to have the TV taping, I got pulled over for speeding. Luckily, I have great cop etiquette. I didn't look in the glove compartment, he asked me for my information and I normally keep it on the dashboard, so I just handed it to him. And it was cool. I know how the climate is.. the cop was cool. He said, 'where are you going,' the usual questions. Then he was like, 'alright, I'll let you off with a warning, just make sure you slow down.' And that was the end of it. When I pulled the gun out the first thing I thought was, 'what if I had thrown the information in the glovebox?' That was the scary part to me because there was no way how I can explain away why there is a loaded gun in my glove compartment. No one would believe it. All things considered everyone is fine. But, I could have easily been arrested because I can't explain the gun. And there is a whole domino effect. Obviously WWE would not look kindly on that kind of thing."

Main event in doubt:

WWE are concerned about the main event of Mania and are keeping Braun Strowman free for the show in case. It is not Brock's status thay are concerned about, but Roman Reigns'. They fear the drug seller that claims Roman as a client has real damaging evidence implicating him and that they are sitting on it until Mania week to get maximum press coverage for the story. They may be forced to ban him if they can put the smoking gun in his hand.

WWE name 10 best:

WWE have named the 10 biggest talent signings in their history...

  1. Chris Jericho
  2. Rey Mysterio
  3. Ronda Rousey
  4. Kurt Angle
  5. Sting
  6. Eddie Guerrero
  7. Bill Goldberg
  8. Samoa Joe
  9. Big Show
  10. Finn Balor


Bayley attended an indie show last night as a fan.

Lita on TV:

Lita has a new show about punk music, dogs, vegan food and aliens in the works.

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