Sunday, March 25, 2018


McMahon honoured:

Stephanie McMahon has been awarded by a cancer charity for her fundraising work in aid of paediatric cancer.


Apollo blew his knee out during a live this weekend. He continued his match, despite the ref throwing up the 'X' but was in clear discomfort.

John Cena:

John Cena hosted the Nickelodeon awards last night. Rock won two trophies and the Bella's and Victoria were in attendance.

Edge recalls moment that changed his life:

"Let's talk about that real briefly because I've had people doubt whether that happened. It happened, well, I'm going to tell you for my end as a kid coming out of college, who owed $40,000.00, which was more than money than I ever made in a year, and no way in the future besides my only goal to pay it, $40,000 at that time is a chunk of change and it's still a chunk of change for a lot of people. And I remember thinking to myself, 'okay, now I'm signed. Right, the first thing I've got to do is pay off this debt.' And Jim Ross paid it off. It was a signing bonus and I've never, ever forgotten that because it got me out of a hole. Now I was starting at zero, and, man, it put me in such a different place."


Goldberg will be inducted by Paul Heyman.

Alum rules himself out:

Kevin Sullivan has responded to a campaign to get him into the WWE HOF...

"No, because I didn't work there. I don't think that's ever gonna happen, and I don't blame them. They have their own company, and their own stars. Hey, I'm gonna be honest with you, probably my time has passed and WWE will never even think of that."

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