Friday, March 23, 2018



Rich Swann's wife, Su Yung, officially debuted with Impact last night.


Triple H has revealed why NXT are expanding their championships and teases more will follow...

''I think it's part of a long-term strategic plan for the brand. You see with the UK title, the North American Championship, I think as we branch out and become bigger, with opportunities in different places. It allows for multiple events to take place with championships represented where I feel like, in locations across North America, Mexico, Canada, the North American Championship can be defended and be a main event-style match with the right players. The NXT Championship could be going internationally at that same period of time. It really depends, but it's part of a long-term strategic plan.''

Hogan back on WWE duty:

Hulk Hogan will work his first WWE gig since his racial abuse storm of 2015 next week. He is scheduled to attend a joint hosted premiere of Andre The Giant's movie, which he is a part of, held by HBO and WWE in LA.

WWE race allegation:

New Day have been accused of perpetuating a racial stereotype with their pancakes. Some say by handing out the food they are acting in a servile role harking back to the slavery which was forced upon people of colour in the past. Xavier Woods says it was a joke they came up with, and that the office had nothing to do with them using them as part of their gimmick.

AJ tryout:

AJ Styles will work an 8 man tag this weekend to try out his injury recovery.

Alum returning at Mania:

Lilian Garcia will ring announce the women's battle royal at WrestleMania.


Molly Holly will induct Ivory into the HOF.

UK return:

Impact say they will be back in the UK later this year. They did not hold any events over here in 2017.

WWE want Brock:

Triple H says WWE are trying to re-sign Brock Lesnar...

"To be honest I really don't have anything to share in this conversation and we'll see where it goes. Brock is Brock, he's an interesting guy to be with, makes it challenging which is always wonderful and we're working on it. We'll see where that goes as time goes on."

X-Pac on HOF:

X-Pac says he is too embarrassed to talk to Mark Henry about his HOF induction...

"There were so many people that were congratulating Mark on Twitter and I didn't... I purposely avoided it so people didn't bring up me dressing up in blackface like Mark. Not that I'm afraid. I just didn't want to insert that into the Hall of Fame conversation. He was fine with it, but I'm not fine with it now. That's all. And there was nothing bad meant by it, but the things I know now, I'm a little embarrassed by it."


WWE are moving forward with the UK expansion. They are negotiating improved contracts for the big 5 UK stars and are bringing UK veterans to the PC to show them how they want the talent trained and the show to be run. They have also signed their first talent specifically for the show, Zack Gibson.

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