Tuesday, March 27, 2018



Matt Hardy has entered himself into the Andre battle Royal.

Construction of the set began today.

Heyman leaving too?:

Paul Heyman has signed on to co-star and produce a new TV series, unrelated to wrestling. He may choose to depart WWE after Mania, but close friends say this project will not be the reason he does so.

The Wrap say Brock Lesnar will leave WWE after Mania to return to real fighting in UFC.

Dean dropped:

WWE have pulled Dean Ambrose from appearing during WrestleMania week events.

El Generico:

Sami Zayn has followed Kevin Owens in reverting to his old indie name to sell his WWE firing on social media.

SD teaser:

  • Will Daniel Bryan make it to SmackDown LIVE?
  • Roode & Orton join forces to take on Mahal and Singh
  • The New Day return to battle The Bludgeon Brothers
  • Shinsuke Nakamura clashes with Shelton Benjamin
  • Charlotte Flair faces Natalya in a rematch from last Tuesday


WWE NXT will be involved in the Download music festival again this year.

Alum nominated:

Tiffany has been nominated for a stunt person award for her work in a recent film.

Russo rips HOF'er:

Vince Russo says Goldberg was hard to deal with...

"I think for a couple of reasons. I think there was part of Bill that really started believing his own hype. And, you know, this isn't MMA, and at the end of the day, the stories are written. You know, who wins and who loses, the writer determines that. Who gets a championship belt, it's written that way. So, none of it is real. It's not real. And I think Bill had the tendency to really believe his own hype. And I basically say that because I'll never forget, one time I wanted him to a job for Scott Steiner of all people. And I'll never forget, Bill looked me in the eye, and basically said to me, he goes, 'Vince, if this were real, Scott Steiner would not beat me.' And I looked Bill back in the eye and I said, 'Well, you know what Bill, maybe you need to tell Scott Steiner that and see what he says.' I think he could because Scott Steiner was a legitimate wrestler. Goldberg had a great collegiate football career, great athlete, I would never take any of that away from him. But when it comes to wrestling, Scott Steiner was all-league in college. So, I think Bill kinda let the lines get a little blurred, and he really started buying into the hype of the Goldberg character. And that made it difficult for me from creative to deal with at times."

WWE auction:

WWE have launched a fund raiser for a charity they support, prizes can be won via auction, and include...

Ultimate WrestleMania 35 Experience...

  • One Suite for 10 People at WrestleMania 35
  • 10 Tickets to WWE Hall of Fame Ceremony
  • 10 Tickets to WrestleMania Axxess
  • Sneak peek of WrestleMania set before gates open
  • Picture on ramp before WrestleMania

WWE Big 4 VIP Package

  • Two tickets to SummerSlam 2018, Survivor Series 2018, Royal Rumble 2019 and WrestleMania 35
  • Lunch with a WWE Superstar before Royal Rumble
  • Meet Vince McMahon, Stephanie McMahon and Triple H, a backstage tour at SummerSlam and two tickets to the show

A photo shoot with one of these WWE Superstars

  • Nia Jax
  • Asuka
  • Carmella
  • Riott Squad
  • Absolution

An opportunity to escort one of these WWE Superstars to the ring

  • Bobby Roode
  • The New Day
  • Bayley

Shane was really ill:

Shane McMahon took ill whilst on holiday with his family in the Caribbean. He was in emergency care for several days before he was deemed well enough to be flown to New York to continue his treatment. He is still in hospital. WWE released a kayfabe statement yesterday blaming KO and Sami for the illness to further his current angle with them.


The Real Double J will induct the person he sang for into the WWE HOF. Road Dogg Jesse James will do the honours for Jeff Jarrett during Mania weekend.

Rock re-shoot:

The Rock is back filming for a movie that is due to come out this summer after poor fan reaction to early screenings.

Moolah fightback:

9 women of wrestling past have worked together to defend the late HOF'er from allegations which were launched into mainstream media attention after WWE named the new women's battle royal after her. The 9, Leilani Kai, Tex Green, Lisa Darnell, Brittany Brown, Diamond Lil, Winona Littleheart, Peggy Lee, Joyce Grable and Moolah's daughter say she is innocent of the accusations...

New trophy:

WWE have confirmed a new trophy for the women's battle royal, replacing the Moolah tribute one.

Heat on Rousey:

Ronda Rousey is getting heat online for a terse interview she did with ESPN today. She apparently gave the host a hard time and answered in single words, if at all.

John Cena:

John Cena has landed a role in the movie 'Duke Nukem'.


Charlotte Flair is injured and is out of the semi final match of Mixed Match tonight. She has also been pulled from the road this weekend.

Owen to HOF:

Owen Hart and Dan The Beast Severn will enter the Tragos / Thesz HOF in July.

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