Sunday, March 18, 2018


Dana tribute:

WWE Network have interviewed Dana Brooke about the sudden death of her boyfriend last summer.

Vampiro rants about WWE:

"I'm like Austin. It's all about spontaneity. I mean, if you don't have that, you're not going to make it. I don't care. And it irks me beyond belief, the WWE system, I think it is so wrong that some agent, or some dude who probably never really made it, but was on the cusp, but is a bitter motherf--ker, and he tells you what to do with your character! I'm against it, and I hate it, and it's probably why I never went to WWE, too rebellious."

Rey signs:

Rey Mysterio has signed for Aro Lucha as a co-owner and performer. He is still talking to WWE.

Champ injured:

AJ Styles has missed this weekends lives. It was announced at last nights that he was injured, WWE have not yet commented on his status.

Chance of a D-Bry Mania match?:

Daniel Bryan says he is doing everything he can to get cleared in time to team with Shane McMahon against KO and Sami at Mania this year...

"I don't know and I don't think they know. I think it all depends on whether or not I get cleared. As of this moment, as of today, I am not cleared by WWE. I have done everything in my power. Everything they have asked me to and I have gone above and beyond as far as 'Okay, what doctors do you need me to see. Send me to any doctor you want, any doctor that you want and lets get their feedback on what is going on with me.' So far every doctor has cleared me that they have sent me too and so there is a chance. I used to think that the percentage of the WWE ever clearing me was low. I think with the stuff that I have done it has gone a little higher but I don't know how much higher. With how everything is there is one day to go if I don't get cleared and then there is another way to go if I am cleared. I am hoping to be cleared but I don't know which way it goes."

Induct them:

Mick Foley has called on WWE to induct Vader and Chyna into the HOF.

HOF'er leaks:

Mark Henry is going into the WWE HOF this year. The WrestleMania magazine leaked the news with a question about his induction published in the edition. He is not yet confirmed by WWE.

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