Saturday, March 10, 2018


ROH 16:

ROH held their 16th anniversary show last night. Multiple title changes took place and Austin Aries made an appearance. So many people tried to watch the show on the ROH website that it crashed.

Young talks release:

Darren Young has discussed his WWE release...

"Hey, nothing lasts forever and I've had a wonderful career with WWE. I set my mind out to it. I'm not one of those guys that played football and bust through the front doors. I grinded from 2002 to 2009. In 2009, out of 75 guys and girls from all over the world, I beat them all out at a paid tryout in 2009. This was at a time when you had to pay to try out. Now you can just show up and get a contract. Back then, you had to pay to try out, but I had wrestled in arenas with no toilets and showers, so I knew what it was like and I knew what it took to be a WWE Superstar, I've had a wonderful career and I'm very happy with a lot of the experiences and relationships that I've built through wrestling." 

Owens leaks Mania role:

Kevin Owens says he is studying videos of battle royals, teasing that he will be in this years Mania over the top brawl.


Billie Kay and Peyton Royce wrestled for the first time this year last night.

DeMott talks naked stinkface:

"They made a deal, they didn't want to train. They made a deal. What's the deal? 'I'll give somebody a squisher bare-a**ed with a jelly doughnut in their mouth.' I look around at 40 people and I went, 'Deal!' Guy gets naked, other guy sits in the corner with a jelly doughnut in his mouth, he runs across the ring, hits the Rikishi a** bump, squishes it all over the face. Funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. Everybody goes, 'OK, we're done, everybody can go home, no training, no nothing.' That was the deal. Six years later, that picture comes out on the internet: 'Bill DeMott makes students train naked.'... Now, was it the smartest deal I ever made? No. But it was funny as hell. You're in a room with a bunch of people, all on the same page, they're tired for the week. Give me a deal and we're out. They made a deal, we stuck to the deal. Six years later somebody who was let go from the company and wasn't satisfied told a different story: 'DeMott makes people train naked.' I'm an internet sensation overnight... There was no malice, there was no nothing, it was a story innocent with a bunch of men and women who trained together every day, that when things weren't going their way, turned around and handed it to somebody else. To be honest I probably would do the same exact thing, but letting them know the repercussions... You start to feel entitled: 'Now you're paying me and now I don't want to do it so you have to find a way to make me feel better about myself.' So that was on me. That's the one thing I would tell myself now: stick to what you know. Not, don't worry about hurting people's feelings or make them feel better about themselves, help them realize early on of what's needed and what it is."

Rudeboy guilty:

Former WWE PC student James 'Rudeboy' Riley has pleaded guilty to possessing images and videos of children engaging in sexual activity. He will spend 5 days in jail, be on probation for two years and must sign a sex offenders register in his local area. He also had to pay $3,500 bail.

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