Saturday, March 17, 2018


Happy St. Patrick's day to any Irish readers...

D Day for Roman:

As promised a film maker released what he claimed was a video confirming beyond doubt that Roman Reigns was a customer of a now jailed drug dealer today. However the video did nothing of the kind. it was full of speculation and gossip where he tried to implicate other big names by talking about the most tenuous links, such as naming Jesse Ventura, but not the Jesse Ventura, it was an alias used by a different client, he showed images of John Cena and Bobby Lashley while talking about someone he says was a client. He did not provide any proof he was buying for either of the wrestlers. He implicated the man that trained John Cena and brought Ultimate Warrior and Sting into the sport, but showed no proof of a connection to his being a client of the dealer being linked to any of the 3 men. he claimed to have seen proof that the dealer was in contact with Brock Lesnar, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Roman, but didn't share that in the video. He also claimed a WWE staffer acted as go between for John Cena and Rock, but could only show one text message they were named in, and that was totally ambiguous.

The only people he did manage to prove were clients were Daniel Puder and the man that trains Jinder Mahal and Sheamus. He hinted they may be clients, but again had nothing to prove it.

He blamed the police retaining the drug pushers personal devices, such as mobile phones and laptops for not being able to provide the evidence he claims is out there.

Before the video was released Roman talked about the situation on a radio show...

"At one point it's like, who is this? Where is this coming from? What did I do? Like, what the heck is going on? I'm just sitting at home playing with kids. I'm feeding babies and changing diapers, and doing dad stuff and then all of a sudden this happens. I think it's just a good lesson of where we're at. If you have any kind of social media presence; essentially, my Twitter is a billboard, unfortunately some people want to use whether it's in a positive passion and a negative passion. At the same time, it's one of those deals where, I know me, I know what I have done, and I know what the truth is. You have to have one of those bulletproof mentalities where it's like, these things are ricocheting off of me."

The film maker has taken a ton of heat since publishing his video, for not making good on sharing the proof he claimed to possess and has announced he is putting his YouTube channel on hiatus because people did not understand how hard he worked on the video and he was hurt that his efforts were not appreciated.

WWE gift talent:

WWE have presented the women in the first female Royal Rumble match a framed piece of canvas used during the match, a photo and a signed by the ladies Rumble running order (Script). As well as this they have limited edition copies of the same commemorative package for fans to buy via their online store. Signed ring canvas alone would cost $129.99 the full set the ladies received would be $999.99. Only 50 of those are available to purchase.

Booker T reveals why he refused to join NWO:

"Kevin Nash came to me, he goes, 'Book, hey, Book, man, you know this nWo thing is getting real hot, bro. And, man, we need some color, man.' I swear to God, that's how he said it! 'We need some color, bro.' He goes, 'we want to bring you in.' I go, 'man, thanks, but no thanks. No way.' I said, 'I'm a solo act, man.'"

He went on to say NWO almost killed the business because the three guys were interested only in themselves, he particularly savaged Hulk Hogan's heel run in WCW.

Actor deserves HOF:

David Arquette talked about Kid Rock's upcoming induction into the WWE HOF...

"I think and I totally approve of Kid Rock and he's got that whole vibe that is right but he was never the Champion. That's not my place to say that I should be in it or whatever but I was.''

Heat on Ciampa:

Tommaso Ciampa has posted a tweet mocking the demise of retailer Toys 'R' Us...

''My very first job was working as a stock boy at Toys R Us. I still remember my boss laughing at me when I told him I was just trying to save up enough money to pay for wrestling school. Look who's laughing now...''

This understandably drew the ire of some of the thousands of people whose jobs are dying with the company. He has been accused of laughing at the misfortune of thousands of people because one man hurt his feelings.

Top 10 women:

WWE have named the 10 greatest women's matches in their history...

  1. Sasha Banks vs Bayley (NXT Brooklyn 2015)
  2. Charlotte Flair vs Sasha Banks (Raw 2016)
  3. Charlotte Flair vs Sasha Banks vs Becky Lynch (WrestleMania 32)
  4. Asuka vs Ember Moon (NXT Brooklyn 2017)
  5. Charlotte Flair vs Sasha Banks vs Becky Lynch vs Bayley (NXT Rival)
  6. Trish Stratus vs Lita (Raw 2004)
  7. Paige vs Emma (NXT Arrival)
  8. Charlotte Flair vs Bayley (Raw 2017)
  9. Alundra Blayze vs Bull Nakano (SummerSlam 1994)
  10. Royal Rumble match 2018

34 Mania facts:

WWE have listed 34 things you need to know about Mania 34.

D'Von reveals which WWE star he got employed:

D'Von Dudley says he talked Xavier Woods into quitting TNA and helped him get signed by WWE by putting him in touch with Terry 'Red Rooster' Taylor.

Ryback kills livestream:

Rusev and Lana were doing a live q&a session when WWE Alum Ryback chimed in, asking if Rusev was going to be named in the drugs scandal hanging over Roman Reigns. Rusev laughed then killed the stream.

Champ was going to quit:

NXT champion Andrade Cien Almas did consider quitting WWE, but he was talked out of it by... Alberto Del Rio.

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