Thursday, September 1, 2016

Today's News

Daniel Bryan:

Sports Illustrated have published a counter article to one Forbes ran last week. Forbes say they had insider information that WWE were preparing to allow Daniel Bryan to compete again, SI claim that the WWE will not, under any circumstances, relent on their stance regarding the former champ, due, in the most part, to the multi million $ concussion lawsuits they are facing.

WWE team to get big TV gig:

Xavier Woods is teasing that the New Day may host hugely popular American show 'Saturday Night Live' in the near future. He said he shouldn't be talking about it, and couldn't give too much info, but was obviously excited at the prospect.

Brit gets WWE name:

Nikki Storm is now Nikki Cross.

Not so private wedding:

Lana and Natalya have confirmed Lana's second wedding, which was set to be for friends and family only, will be taped for Total Diva's after all, and the crew and talent are on their way to the country of Bulgaria for the ceremony.

WWE release candid and emotional interview:

WWE have shared an emotional backstage interview with Brian Kendrick and Daniel Bryan, which was taped after Kendrick was eliminated from the CWC...

Why SummerSlam bout was nixed:

WWE pulled the Baron Corbin vs Kalisto match because Kalisto is carrying an injury.

PWI 500:

PWI have named Roman Reigns as the wrestler of the year.

Ryback talks heated conversation with HHH:

"Me and Hunter had many conversations in that last year and they were quite heated at times. And I would tell him, 'it's not about the money' and he goes, 'it sounds like it's completely about the money'. No, and he finally understood when we were finally done our last talk. It was about creative and it was about limiting me as a brand because I am responsible for my brand, the Ryback brand, the Feed Me More brand, that I believe so strongly in. And when I'm told that I have to go out there and lose in two minutes or not have any buildup for a pay-per-view match, which happened time and time again, when I'm not given opportunities to do promos and be myself, that's what truly bothers me."

He also revealed that Vince had promised him a crushing, dominant (He used the word squash) victory over AJ Styles at WrestleMania, which was to lead to him becoming the top heel in the company for the next couple of years. He instead found himself on the pre show vs Kalisto.

Be a wrestling hack:

One of the biggest wrestling news sites online, Wrestling Inc, are looking for writers and podcast producers. They want hopefuls to send them a sample of work they have done for other sites.

WWE outreach:

After news of honourary WWE star Drax Shadow's bleak cancer outlook, WWE have announced they are going to fund and support pediatric cancer research.

Cody blasts WWE / TMZ / ESPN:

Cody Rhodes has called on WWE to cut ties with ''Mainstream'' media sites TMZ and ESPN. He has been angry with TMZ since his dad died, because they played his mother's 911 call, and is now also angry with ESPN, after a reporter there mocked Kevin Owens 8 year old son's reaction video to his dad winning the Universal gold on Raw this week. He begged WWE to grow some balls, and advised that mainstream media is not all it is cracked up to be.

Booker begs for ''Smarter'' wrestlers:

Booker T says the new style of wrestling, high paced, hard impact, needs the current crop of talent to be smarter in the ring, or careers are going to burn fast and short. He really worries about the amount of serious long term injuries that are happening at the moment.

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